Quinnipiac is committed to ensuring that underrepresented students (international students, students of color and first-generational students) have a successful educational experience.

QUEST Mentoring

The Quinnipiac University Enriching Student Transitions program (QUEST) is a mentoring program focused on easing incoming underrepresented students' transition (students of color, first-generation and international students) to the university. The Office of Inclusive Excellence pairs incoming students with a faculty or staff mentor and a peer mentor to assist with the academic and social transitions. First-year students are recruited during the summer before their arrival in the fall semester.

QU First-Year Immersion 

Research suggests that summer immersion programs help facilitate a successful student transition to university life, improve academic performance, increase retention rates and lead to on-time graduation. Quinnipiac University has established a First-Year Immersion (QU FYI) summer program for admitted students from traditionally underrepresented and marginalized groups. Students participate in social, cultural and academic initiatives during this residential program and fully immerse themselves into the Bobcat community while laying a solid foundation for future success.

For further information and assistance, please contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence at 203-582-8425.