MK 201. Marketing Principles.3 Credits.

This course surveys marketing from the decision-making point of view, with emphasis on the conceptual and analytical components of the subject, and a synthesis of new marketing concepts with economics, behavioral sciences and mathematics.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

MK 210. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Communications.3 Credits.

Consumers play a central role in determining the fate of the firm's marketing efforts. This course draws on theories from psychology, sociology, anthropology and economics to understand consumption behaviors of individuals and groups. Current models of consumer behavior are surveyed, and students consider the strategic implications of marketing communications.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

MK 212. Consumer Behavior in Travel and Tourism..3 Credits.

This course considers consumer behavior in the context of travel and tourism. Students explore consumer theories associated with travel and perform exploratory research on global travel consumers. Students investigate sustainable travel initiatives and reflect on their own "inner tourist" through the lens of adventure travel.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

MK 300. Special Topics in Marketing.3 Credits.

This course explores emerging issues in marketing. Topics vary depending on student interests and changes in the marketplace. Prerequisites vary by section. The course may be repeated for credit as course topics change.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

MK 320. Marketing Research.3 Credits.

Students learn to understand and satisfy marketing managers' information needs: demand potential, competition, regulations and accepted procedures in relevant business/geographic areas. The course covers research design, quantitative and qualitative data collection, data analysis and implications of results. Written/oral reports are expected. This methodological course assumes a basic understanding of marketing in a global environment.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201 and one course from: MA 170, MA 206, MA 275 EC 272 or PS 206.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

MK 321. Marketing Analytics.3 Credits.

This course covers the use of regression analysis, cluster analysis, and automated machine learning in the development and evaluation of marketing strategy. Students are introduced to the basic elements of data visualization, market basket analysis, natural language processing, social network analysis and digital marketing analytics. Emerging technologies are addressed. Students leave with an understanding of marketing applications of advanced analytical techniques.

Prerequisites: Take MK 320
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

MK 322. Advanced Research Methodologies and Analytical Techniques.3 Credits.

This course addresses advanced research methodologies and analytical techniques used in marketing and user experience research. Topics include experimental design and advanced data-analysis techniques. Students develop practical skills in the analysis of survey and experimental data and gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art technologies.

Prerequisites: Take MK 320;
Offered: As needed

MK 324. Business-To-Business Marketing.3 Credits.

This course examines the development of marketing strategies of firms that market to other firms or organizations. Integrating characteristics that distinguish business markets from consumer markets throughout the semester, topics include unique aspects of selecting target markets and elements of the marketing mix. Cases, projects, articles and exercises stress the problems facing actual business marketing firms today.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Spring

MK 326. Fashion Marketing.3 Credits.

This course introduces students to many facets of the fashion industry from the design of a product through the consumer purchase. The class covers several fashion-related topics including design elements; fashion psychology and consumer behavior; social media marketing; sustainable and ethical sourcing and disposal; fashion financials and analytics; retail merchandising and global fashion supply chains. Students also get to participate in an experiential project designed to allow them to create a marketing plan for a fashion business idea.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Fall

MK 327. Fashion Buying and Merchandising.3 Credits.

This course provides students with an understanding of the core functions of buyers and merchandisers in the fashion and beauty industry. Contemporary practices in design, buying, merchandising, importing and exporting, global supply chain management, and retail management are examined. Students learn to forecast trends by applying the data-driven analytics techniques used by professionals in the industry. The course relies on experiential learning activities to help students develop expertise in buying and merchandising.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201;
Offered: As needed

MK 328. Behavioral Research Fellowship.3 Credits.

Over the course of the semester, each Research Fellow designs and carries out an independent research study in conjunction with a faculty member. The course covers advanced research techniques using state-of-the-art technologies. Students gain valuable hands-on experience by administering a variety of studies in the Marketing Insights and Behavioral Research Lab. Enrollment requires that instructor's approval. The course may be repeated for credit with instructor's approval.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

MK 332. Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion.3 Credits.

This course focuses on theory, application and practice of strategic marketing communications. Current practices in integrated brand promotion are examined including the strategic application of advertising and other promotional tools. Strategy and planning, copy and layout, media selection and scheduling, and budgeting are examined. Students gain experience in traditional and digital media.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

MK 333. Digital Marketing and Electronic Channels of Distribution.3 Credits.

Digital marketing is rapidly evolving, and technological advances are changing channels of distribution in fundamental ways. This course examines the strategies and tactics that firms utilize to engage customers through digital, mobile, and search engine marketing. The strategic use of social media is explored. The role of the Internet as a channel of distribution is considered including the roles of channel members, channel performance evaluation, and logistics.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Spring

MK 334. Product, Pricing and Distribution Strategy.3 Credits.

New product development and strategic product management are examined. The design, evaluation and management of distribution channels are considered. Students learn to integrate economic, financial, legal and marketing principles to develop pricing strategy and evaluate the behavioral implications of pricing decisions.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Spring

MK 339. Sales Forecasting.3 Credits.

Survey of methods and techniques for sales forecasting, including time series analysis, correlation, exponential smoothing, judgment, and sales forces composite. Use of computer as an aid to forecasting.

Prerequisites: Take MK 270;

MK 350. Marketing History.3 Credits.

This seminar examines the development of modern marketing in America from the mid-19th century through the 20th century. The course focuses on how pioneering entrepreneurs such as Kellogg, Sears, Heinz, Hershey and others created brands that became household names and in the process revolutionized marketing practice. Students discuss assigned readings, films and field trips. Research assignments and a term paper also need to be completed.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: As needed

MK 362. Sustainability, Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility.3 Credits.

Consumption and marketing are considered in the context of sustainability. Principles of sustainability marketing and corporate social responsibility are introduced. Core marketing concepts are leveraged to address sustainable development while supporting business growth and competitive advantage. Career opportunities in sustainability marketing are explored.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

MK 364. Sports and Entertainment Marketing.3 Credits.

The multi-billion-dollar, global industries of sports and entertainment marketing are examined. Fundamental marketing concepts are applied to the ever-evolving landscape of sports and entertainment. Strategic brand partnerships, sponsorships, licensing, and talent marketing initiatives are developed to meet marketing objectives. Career opportunities in sports and entertainment marketing are explored.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Fall

MK 383. Professional Selling and Sales Management.3 Credits.

The study and application of skills required to sell products, services or ideas. Emphasis is on the development of an effective sales presentation focusing on the needs of the consumer or organization. The course stresses the importance of knowing the company and its products as well as the selling environment and customer. In addition, the issues involved in managing a sales force are addressed. These include sales planning and forecasting, selection, recruitment, training and compensation of salespeople and integration with other elements of the marketing mix.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: Every year, Fall

MK 401. Marketing Practicum.3 Credits.

This course is the capstone experience for marketing majors and focuses on the integration of contemporary marketing practices to develop comprehensive marketing strategies. Students develop critical decision-making skills through the application of analytical tools in case studies, simulations, and hands-on learning opportunities. Critical thinking, teamwork, and effective communication are emphasized. Senior Standing is required.

Prerequisites: Take MK 320 and MK 334.
Offered: Every year, Spring

MK 495. Biomedical Marketing Internship.3 Credits.

This internship is required of biomedical marketing majors and must be done with a company or institution that is related to biomedical products or services.

Prerequisites: Take MK 201.
Offered: As needed

MK 499. Independent Study in Marketing.3-15 Credits.

Special topics courses involve advanced study of one or more areas within marketing. Subject matter will vary from year to year depending upon the interest of students and faculty. Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed