Program Contact: Lauren Sardi 203-582-8215

The Interdisciplinary Studies major exposes students to a number of disciplines and academic areas, and emphasizes critique, analysis, evaluation, and the development and iterative application of skills in critical thinking, writing, public speaking, data gathering, evaluation and presentation. This type of academic foundation prepares students for virtually any academic path or career of their choosing.

Students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies/Concentration in Education Studies must meet the following requirements for graduation:

University Curriculum 146
Modern Language Requirement3-6
Interdisciplinary Studies Core Courses
IDS 200Rise of Disciplinarity3
IDS 400Transdisciplinary Project3
Concentration Requirements
ED 220Introduction to Education Studies3
ED 380Research Methods in Education Studies3
Cross-Disciplinary Study12
One course (3 cr.) each in English, history, math and science
Interdisciplinary Study12
One upper-level course (3 cr.) in each of the following disciplines: English, history, math and science 2
Free Electives29-32
Total Credits114-120

All students must complete the 46 credits of the University Curriculum.


Course level 200 and above


Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, all Interdisciplinary Studies majors will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  1. Core Competence: Understand the issues relevant to and methodologies appropriate for conducting research and engaging with core issues in their field of concentration.
  2. Critical Thinking: Critique and apply appropriate methodology or methodologies in research of a given topic.
  3. Evaluate Information: Identify, evaluate and interpret sources of information.
  4. Analysis: Analyze data.
  5. Cognitive Complexity: Construct an interpretive argument.
  6. Effective Oral/Written Presentation: Present facts, analysis and arguments effectively.

Shown below is one of many possible paths through the curriculum. Each student's individual academic plan is crafted in consultation with their academic adviser.

First Year
Milestones: Earn 30 credits, meet with your adviser at least once a semester and have a GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Fall Semester
EN 101Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing3
FYS 101First-Year Seminar3
ED 140Introduction to Public Education and the Teaching Profession1
History course3
University Curriculum course3
Spring Semester
EN 102Academic Writing and Research3
MA 110Contemporary Mathematics3
PS 101Introduction to Psychology3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course4
Second Year
Milestones: Earn 60 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester to discuss academic, experiential learning, career and co-curricular opportunities.
Fall Semester
ED 250Diversity, Dispositions and Multiculturalism3
PS 236Child and Adolescent Development3
Language at the 101 level3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Spring Semester
ED 220Introduction to Education Studies3
Language at the 102 level (Satisfies CAS Language Requirement)3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course4
Third Year
Milestones: Earn 90 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester. Participate in study abroad, complete internship or research opportunities.
Fall Semester
IDS 200Rise of Disciplinarity3
ED 341
Learning and Teaching the Developing Child
and Learning and Teaching: Pedagogy Field Lab I
Math/History/English or Science (Cross-Disciplinary Study)3
Math/History/English or Science (Cross-Disciplinary Study)3
Math/History/English or Science (Cross-Disciplinary Study)3
Spring Semester
ED 342
Advanced Learning and Teaching
and Advanced Learning and Teaching: Assessment Field Lab II
ED 462Facilitating the Arts in the Elementary Classroom3
Math/History/English or Science (Cross-Disciplinary Study)3
Math/History/English or Science (Interdisciplinary Study)3
Math/History/English or Science (Interdisciplinary Study)3
Math/History/English or Science (Interdisciplinary Study)3
Fourth Year
Milestones: Earn 120 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Complete possible minor or double major and prepare for graduation.
Fall Semester
ED 380Research Methods in Education Studies3
ED 468Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades3
ED 458
ED 468L
Teaching Science in the Primary Grades
and Primary Math and Science STEM Field Lab III
Math/History/English or Science (Interdisciplinary Study)3
Spring Semester
IDS 400Transdisciplinary Project3
ED 466
ED 436L
Teaching Social Studies in the Primary Grades
and English Language Arts Integration Field Lab IV
ED 436Teaching Literacy in the Primary Grades3
Math/History/English or Science (Interdisciplinary Study)3
Total Credits120