Section 1: General Policy

1.01 Policy Statement

Quinnipiac University (“University”) allows individuals to bring animals on University property in accordance with federal laws and in other situations subject to the rules outlined in this policy.

The University supports the use of service and emotional support animals on campus as defined and regulated by federal and state laws. The University also supports the use of research and therapy animals used in approved research and teaching activities. 

At the same time, it recognizes the health and safety risks potentially created by animals on campus. Accordingly, with the exception of service animals, approved emotional support animals, approved research animals, and approved therapy animals, animals, including pets of any kind, are not permitted in academic, dining, athletic, or student housing buildings or facilities (collectively “campus”). 

1.02 Scope

This policy applies to all individuals present on any University campus, including but not limited to employees, students, University affiliates, visitors, contractors and applicants for admission to or employment with the University. In addition to the generally applicable provisions, Section 2 applies specifically to employees and Section 3 applies specifically to students. 

This policy should not be read to grant an individual access to University property beyond that to which they would normally be granted.

1.03 Definitions

Controlled Space  For purposes of this policy, controlled spaces are not public spaces. Controlled spaces are defined as any indoor area owned or controlled by the University, and any outdoor area owned or controlled by the University with limitations on use or access (e.g., practice fields, stadiums, tennis courts, etc.). Areas open to the public (i.e., streets, lawns, sidewalks, parking lots) with no limitations on access are not controlled spaces.

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) – An animal that provides emotional support, comfort, therapy or other kinds of support that alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. In order to qualify as an Emotional Support Animal, the assistance performed by the animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. While dogs are the most common Emotional Support Animals, other animals may also serve as Emotional Support Animals. However, non-domesticated, wild, potentially dangerous, venomous, endangered and/or illegal animals are not permitted. This may include, depending on the circumstances, rodents, arachnids and other exotic animals. The University reserves discretion to require the removal from its campuses any Emotional Support Animal that becomes disruptive.  

Handler – Person accompanying an animal or responsible for bringing it to campus.

Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) – The unit at the University that ensures equal access to academic and programmatic opportunity to students.

Pet – Any domestic animal including but not limited to amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds kept for pleasure or companionship.

  • Residential Living Area – The area defined by Residential Life as areas specific to residential activity. This designation will vary among the campuses. Mount Carmel Residential Living Area — The region south of the stream, north of the Hilltop Lot, west of Hogan Lot, anything on Bobcat Way (including the Bobcat Den)
  • York Hill Residential Living Area — The area comprised by the Townhouses, Eastview, Westview and Crescent Residence Halls (including the basketball and volleyball courts and outdoor patios)
  • Off-Campus Residential Living Areas — All University-owned or leased off-campus residential properties

Service Animal – As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. The work the dog has been trained to do must be directly related to the person’s disability. Examples include, but are not limited to, guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting/protecting an individual who is having a seizure and reminding an individual to take medication. The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship does not constitute work or tasks under this definition. While dogs are the most common service animals, under certain circumstances, a miniature horse may qualify as a service animal. Other animals do not qualify as service animals. The University reserves discretion to remove from its campuses any service animal that becomes disruptive. 

Service Animal in Training – A service animal in training is a qualified dog that is being trained as a service animal by a professional association and includes a puppy that is being raised to become a service animal in training.

Therapy Animal – An animal working with a healthcare or mental health care professional in a therapeutic activity. The animal must have received training appropriate for animal assisted therapy/activities (AAT/AAA) as evidenced by receipt of the Canine Good Citizen certificate from the American Kennel Club, or registration by a national therapy animal organization, such as Pet Partners. A therapy animal is not an emotional support animal or a service animal.

Section 2: Employees Wishing to Bring Animals on Campus

This policy is also in the Quinnipiac University Policy Manual.

2.01 Policy Statement

The University prohibits bringing a pet to work with the exception of animals providing ADA accommodations for a person with disabilities (service animals).

2.02 Service Animals

 Employees may be permitted to bring service animals to work on campus as a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability. Such employees may be asked to provide reasonable documentation that the animal is needed as an accommodation, including: 

  • Why the service animal is needed and what service it will perform; 
  • That the animal is trained to perform that function; and 
  • That the animal will not unduly disrupt the workplace. 

Approved service animals are generally welcome in all buildings on the University property and may attend any class, meeting or other event provided, however, that service animals may be prohibited from certain restricted areas, described in Section 6 below, where their presence could present a health or safety hazard. 

Requirements of service animals and their owners include:

  • All animals must be immunized against rabies and/or other diseases common to that type of animal. All vaccinations must be current.
  • State law requires that all dogs be licensed.
  • Service animals must always wear an owner identification tag (which includes the name and phone number of the employee), license tag and rabies vaccination tag.
  • Animals must be in good health.
  • Animals must be on a leash, harness or other type of restraint at all times, unless the employee is unable to restrain the animal on a leash because of a disability.
  • The owner must be in full control of the animal at all times. The care and supervision of the animal is solely the responsibility of the employee.

Reasonable behavior is expected from service animals while on the University property. The owners of disruptive or aggressive service animals may be asked to remove them from the University. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the owner may be told not to bring the service animal into any facility until the owner takes significant steps to mitigate the behavior and provides documentation of such mitigation. Cleanliness of the service animal is mandatory. Consideration of others must be taken into account when providing maintenance and hygiene of service animals. The employee is expected to clean and dispose of all animal waste. Owners of service animals are responsible for all actions of the animal while on University property.

Section 3: Students Wishing to Bring Animals on Campus

3.01 Scope

This policy applies to all students of the University.

3.02 Policy Statement

According to University policy (Quinnipiac University Policy ManualStudent Handbook: Residential Life), animals, including pets of any kind (except fish, as noted in the Student Handbook), are generally not permitted on University campuses or in University housing facilities. Service animals are permitted on campus. Additionally, in furtherance of its commitment to providing access to its programs and services, the University may permit students with disabilities who require one to have an approved emotional support animal as a reasonable accommodation. Students may not bring an emotional support animal until it is approved by OSA and the Office of Residential Life, when applicable. Please note the definitions above to understand the difference between a service animal and an emotional support animal.

3.03 Service Animals

Students who have a documented disability that requires the assistance of a service animal are permitted to bring such animals to campus. Service animals are permitted in all areas of campus where students are generally permitted to go. (Note Section 6 below for restrictions.)

A service animal shall be kept on a harness, leash or other tether at all times, unless the handler is unable to use such a tether due to a disability or the use of a tether would interfere with the animal’s ability to safely and effectively perform its duties. If a tether is not utilized, the service animal must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, signals or other effective means). A service animal should wear a leash, harness, cape or other marker that identifies it as a service animal at all times when on campus.

When it is not obvious what service the animal provides, the handler may be asked whether the animal is required because of a disability and what task the animal is trained to perform. The handler need not present proof or documentation of the nature of their disability or the training or certification of the service animal.

3.04 Emotional Support Animals

Students are permitted to keep approved emotional support animals in on-campus housing on a case-by-case basis as a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability.

In no event shall a student be permitted to bring an emotional support animal to campus without first obtaining approval from OSA. In order to bring an emotional support animal to campus, the handler must contact OSA as early as possible to permit time to gather and review all necessary documentation and make a determination as to whether the presence of the emotional support animal is reasonable. The handler will be asked to provide documentation of their disability and medical documentation of the need for the emotional support animal. Such documentation must be from a licensed physician, psychiatrist, clinical social worker or other licensed mental health professional and provide that the animal provides emotional support that alleviates one or more of the identified symptoms or effects of an existing disability. Emotional distress from having to give up an animal because of a “no pets” policy does not qualify a student for an accommodation. The handler may also be asked to provide the following information regarding the emotional support animal: 1) the type of animal; 2) the name of the animal; 3) a description of the animal; 4) whether the animal is housebroken; 5) the date of the animal’s last medical examination; and 6) the date that the animal was acquired. Once the OSA has determined that an ESA is a reasonable accommodation, the handler must meet with staff in residential life to discuss the specifics of the accommodation and sign a formal agreement.

Emotional support animals may not travel throughout campus property with their handlers. Emotional support animals are permitted within University housing only to facilitate the handler’s use and enjoyment of University housing. Emotional support animals must be confined to the handler’s individual living area except as provided by a formal agreement between residential life and the handler that will be utilized to identify the area where the handler can take the emotional support animal outside of the handler’s individual living area. When being transported to and from campus, the emotional support animal must be placed in an animal carrier or controlled by leash or harness. While outside the handler’s residential living area, the handler shall carry proof that the animal is an OSA-approved emotional support animal. Emotional support animals are not permitted in other University buildings.

Section 4: Service Animals in Training 

Connecticut law entitles any individual training a service animal to enter public spaces. A service animal in training is not allowed in controlled spaces including classrooms, residence halls and employee work areas. The service animal in training must be wearing a harness or an orange-colored leash and collar. The individual training a service animal must be employed by or authorized to engage in designated training activities by a service animal organization and who carries photographic identification indicating such employment and authorization, or an individual who volunteers for a service animal organization that authorizes such volunteers to raise dogs to become service animals, and causes the identification of such dog with either tags, ear tattoos, identifying bandanas (on puppies), identifying coats (on adult dogs), or leashes and collars.

Section 5: Pets 

Students and employees are not permitted to have pets on University campuses or in University housing facilities (except fish, as noted in the Student Handbook: Residential Life).

Section 6: Restricted Areas  

6.01 Service Animals

The University may prohibit the use of service animals in certain locations due to health and safety restrictions, such as areas in which the animal may be in danger, or where the animal’s presence may compromise the integrity of research. Restricted areas may include, but are not limited to, food preparation areas, custodial closets, boiler rooms, research laboratories, clinical setting, classrooms or labs that contain research animals, areas requiring protective clothing, wood and metal shops, motor pools, areas with heavy machinery, and other areas as required by state or local law.

Limited exceptions to these restrictions may be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with OSA and the person/department responsible for the restricted area.

A student who requires the use of a service animal to participate in a clinical training program should contact OSA and the head of their department. In no case may a service animal accompany a student into a patient’s hospital room or examination room if prior approval is not granted.

6.02 Service Animals in Training

A service animal in training is not allowed in controlled spaces including classrooms, residence halls and employee work areas.

6.03 Emotional Support Animals

Emotional support animals are restricted from all areas except for the handler’s designated living area, which is defined by the Office of Residential Life.

Students are expected to decline all invitations from other students to take the service animals or emotional support animal to restricted areas and non-authorized rooms or residence halls.

Section 7: Conflicting Health Conditions 

Residential life personnel will notify any roommates of the handler, and will make a reasonable effort to notify the residents of neighboring units as to where the service animal or emotional support animal will be located.

Students with a medical condition that may be adversely affected by animals (e.g., asthma, severe allergies) should contact OSA with any health or safety concerns about exposure to a service or emotional support animal. OSA may request medical documentation of the student’s condition to assist in determining whether the condition is disabling and whether there is a need for accommodation. OSA will make every effort to resolve any conflict in a timely manner, taking into consideration the conflicting needs and/or accommodations of each person involved.

The University will accommodate individuals with medical conditions that require reasonable accommodation in order to live, work or attend class in proximity to service or emotional support animals, and alternative housing or work space arrangements will be made where appropriate.

Section 8: Handler’s Responsibilities

The handler of a service or emotional support animal living in University housing is responsible for the animal at all times while on University property and further accepts responsibility for all risks to the animal for injuries that it may incur while on University property. The handler’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • The handler must be in full control of the animal at all times.
  • Only the handler may care for the animal. Handlers may not leave the animal in the care of another person on campus. The care of the animal is the responsibility of the handler at all times. The handler is responsible for identifying one alternative caretaker for the animal in case the handler becomes incapacitated for any reason.
  • The handler must provide adequate care and supervision of the animal at their own expense. This includes training, cleanup and appropriate disposal of waste and proper hygiene. This also includes providing for the health of the animal, such as vaccination, annual check-ups and compliance with any state and local licensing requirements, including pursuant to General Statutes §22-338 and General Statutes §22-345. The handler is required to provide documentation on an annual basis regarding vaccinations and licensing to the Office of Residential Life. 
  • The animal must remain in a crate or other appropriate container in the handler’s assigned bedroom when the handler is not in the room.
  • If directed to by OSA, the handler is required to bring the animal to receive veterinarian attention.
  • The handler must assure that the animal does not cause undue interference or disruption to other community members. An example of undue interference or disruption may include excessive barking.
  • The handler will be liable for any harm caused by the animal, including bodily injury or property damage. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, any expenses incurred for pest control, maintenance or cleaning above and beyond standard costs. Any such costs will be due at the time of repair and/or move-out, and the University shall have the right to bill the student account for any unmet obligations.
  • The handler must notify OSA in writing if the animal is no longer needed or is no longer residing on University property. If the animal will be replaced, the handler must file a new request with OSA.
  • The handler must permit scheduled inspection of their room for fleas, ticks or other pests as needed, and will be billed for any necessary pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management.
  •  The animal may not be left overnight to be cared for by another resident. Animals may be left alone for up to 24 hours. Animals must be taken with the handler if the handler leaves campus for a prolonged period (more than 24 hours).
  • The handler must abide by all other applicable residential policies.
  • Handlers are strongly encouraged to maintain renter’s insurance, including liability coverage for the animal. The handler assumes full personal liability for any damage to property or persons caused by the animal.  The handler shall be responsible for all liability and claims related to the animal. Quinnipiac University provides no indemnification to the animal or handler. Likewise, Quinnipiac University provides no personal property insurance coverage. Quinnipiac University is not the owner or keeper of any animal. Quinnipiac University shall not be responsible for any harm to the animal while on campus, including but not limited to, injury to the animal caused by pest management or lawn care products.
  • It is strongly encouraged that animals be precluded from a raw protein diet in an effort to protect the public from significant health risks.
  • If the handler resides in Quinnipiac University housing, the handler will notify the residence hall director if the animal escapes and is not recovered within one hour.
  • Necessary precautions should be made for appropriate University personnel to enter student housing when the handler is not present. Precautions may include sharing pertinent information to appropriate University staff. The animal must be caged or crated, or removed from the room, during the time that University personnel are in the room. The University is not liable if the animal escapes during one of these visits.
  • The handler is required to provide assistance and support to the animal during emergencies. University personnel are not responsible to provide any assistance or support to the animal, including but not limited to, during an emergency evacuation such as a fire alarm. In the event of a power outage or other disruption to University housing, the handler is responsible for making alternative boarding arrangements for the animal off campus. Accommodations are not available on campus during an emergency.

Section 9: Responsibility of the Quinnipiac Community 

All members of the Quinnipiac community, including faculty, staff and students, are expected to abide by the following:

  • Service animals must be allowed to accompany their handlers at all times and in all places on campus, except where specifically prohibited (note Section 6 above).
  • Community members should not touch, pet, feed or otherwise distract a service animal without the handler’s permission, and they should avoid any action that might startle the service animal.
  • Community members shall not attempt to separate a handler from his/her service animal.
  • The nature of a person’s disability is private, and no community member should inquire as to the details of a handler’s disability or their reason for using a service or emotional support animal. 
  • Community members should contact OSA if they have any questions or concerns relating to any service or assistance animal.
  • Community members should provide handlers with service animals with the right of way with respect to pedestrians, cyclists or skateboarders.

Section 10: Removal of Animals from Campus 

A faculty member or other University official may exclude a service animal from a classroom or other University facility if the handler is unable to control it or the animal is not housebroken (e.g., trained so that it controls its waste elimination, absent illness or accident).

The University reserves the right to remove or exclude a service animal or emotional support animal from campus if:

  • The animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others. In determining whether the animal poses a direct threat, Quinnipiac University will make an individualized assessment to ascertain the nature, duration and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications will mitigate the risk;
  • In the case of an emotional support animal, the animal’s presence causes an undue financial and administrative burden on the University. In determining whether the animal poses an undue financial and administrative burden, Quinnipiac University will make an individualized assessment to ascertain the cost of the requested accommodation; the financial resources of the University; the benefits that the accommodation would provide to the student; and the availability of alternative accommodations that would meet the student’s disability-related needs.
  • The animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of the University’s programs;
  • The animal is ill or in poor health (e.g., animals with health conditions that pose a threat to others);
  • The animal exhibits poor hygiene (e.g., visibly dirty, has a strong odor, not groomed, evidence of having fleas or ticks); 
  • The handler fails to comply with his/her responsibilities under this policy; or
  • The animal creates an unmanageable disturbance or interference with the Quinnipiac community.

Section 11: Violation of the Policy  

Animals other than service animals or approved emotional support are not permitted on University campuses or in University housing facilities. Keeping any animal for a family member or friend or having a family member or friend visit with any animal other than a service animal for any length of time is prohibited.

A handler determined to be responsible for keeping animals other than service animals or approved emotional support animals in violation of this policy will be subject to fines or other sanctions. A handler will also be responsible for all damage or cleaning costs resulting from violation of this policy. The University reserves the right to remove animals other than service animals or approved emotional support animals from campus for violations of this policy. When so directed, the handler must remove the animal from campus and campus housing within 24 hours.

Violations of this policy may result in referral to the Student Code of Conduct process.

Section 12: Therapy Animals

12.01 Policy Statement

A therapy animal trained for Animal Assisted Therapy/Activities (AAT/AAA) may be brought into appropriate University property to work with its trained handlers to provide service in conjunction with a University-approved program in one or more therapeutic activities under the following conditions.

12.02 Conditions

  • Handlers must be health care or mental health care professionals. Students and other individuals are not allowed to bring therapy animals on campus.
  • Each handler provides to the University documentation of the training for the therapy animal, as demonstrated by the attainment of the Canine Good Citizen title through the American Kennel Club or registration with a therapy animal organization, such as Pet Partners.
  • Each handler provides to the University documentation showing that the handler has obtained and maintains liability insurance coverage protecting the University from claims arising out of the presence and utilization of the therapy dog and had obtained approval for the presence of the therapy animal from the appropriate University officials.
  • Each handler executes an Animal Assisted Therapy-Handler Agreement, waiving claims against the University with respect to any injuries (including death) sustained by the therapy animal during the time the therapy animal is on campus working with its handler to provide service in conjunction with a University-approved program in one or more therapeutic activities.
  • Each handler works with the department of facilities to schedule space and time for the Animal Assisted Therapy/Activities so that the University can convey to the University community the place and duration of the event. Notification to the University community must be made no less than one week prior to the event.

Updated Spring 2024