MED 005. Fifth Year Place Holder.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, All

MED 711. SRCC-Fundamentals of Clinical Trials.0 Credits.

This course provides information on the design and conduct of clinical trials. The different phases of clinical trials are discussed, with particular focus on phase III trials. Topics include protocol development, participant recruitment, randomization, study design, statistical analysis, data monitoring, federal regulations, equipoise, ethics and dissemination of results. Through the development of an IRB (Institutional Review Board) application, the student is introduced to the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

Prerequisites: None

MED 712. SRCC-Introduction to Global Public Health.0 Credits.

From the Declaration of Alma-Ata to the Millennium Development Goals, there have been more than 30 years of good will but limited accomplishment in bringing health to all. Health is an essential human right, but much of the world's poor still do not have access to the most basic public health services. This is best illustrated in Africa where there is the double burden of poverty and communicable disease. The failure to provide equitable health and the emergence of new infectious diseases with pandemic potential also threaten world security. Introduction to Global Public Health explores what is meant by global health, how health is measured and what are the major conditions that particularly affect the poor. The course begins with an overview of the topic and reviews basic principles of public health. It then considers the major global communicable diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis), maternal-child health, as well as provides an overview of non- communicable conditions. After defining the problems, strategies in the control of disease and achieving global health are explored.

Prerequisites: None

MED 713. SRCC-Biocultural Approaches to Medicine.0 Credits.

Anthropology is the holistic study of humans. Anthropologists study all aspects of human existence, which are biological, ecological and cultural in nature, not as collections of individual parts, but as components that must work together to create a functional whole. The study of medicine can be approached in a similar manner. The meaning of health, illness and disease is something that we often take for granted; yet, these are concepts that have a profound cultural basis. In this course, students use a biocultural perspective to explore the social, ecological and biological dimensions of the factors that influence health and well-being, the experience and distribution of illness, the prevention and treatment of sickness, healing processes, the social relations of therapy management and the cultural importance and utilization of pluralistic medical systems. They use these concepts to discuss issues relating to diet and nutrition, growth and development, reproductive health, aging, infectious diseases, globalization, social inequality, mental health and health disparities.

Prerequisites: None

MED 714. SRCC-Creative Writing for Health Professionals.0 Credits.

Using creative writing techniques, medical students are expected to write creative (reflective) essays related to their professional experiences. When their writing is shared in the classroom, the students are encouraged to listen carefully and to give responsible, sensitive feedback to fellow students. From experience, we know that, for health care professionals, creative writing enhances their observational and listening skills, which are both vital for quality patient care. Through creative writing, they improve their understanding of both self and others and, as a result, they are more empathic, offering more humane and compassionate service to their patients.

Prerequisites: None

MED 715. SRCC-Literature and Medicine.0 Credits.

This course explores the relationship between literature and medicine: what it is like to be ill; what it is like to love a person who is sick; what it is like to grieve; to care for the sick; to confront illness and sometimes succumb to it; and to observe how all of this gets played out in literature and in the detail and denomination of the body. The resonances between medicine and literature engender hopefully new approaches to critical thinking and more important to the human condition.

Prerequisites: None

MED 716. SRCC-Clinical Teaching.0 Credits.

This course provides students with practical applications of learning theory for use in the clinical setting. The curriculum includes the Stanford Faculty Development Center Clinical Teaching program and other relevant clinical teaching techniques. The class utilizes a 7-category educational framework to help participants analyze their teaching and improve their versatility as teachers. The theories and practices in this course can be applied to several types of teaching settings including lecture, small group, and bedside teaching.

Prerequisites: None

MED 717. SRCC-Seminal Papers in Medicine.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 718. SRCC-Evolutionary Medicine.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 719. SRCC-Medicine and the Arts: a New Paradigm for Health Care Practice.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 720. SRCC-Dying, Death and Grief What Can We.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 721. SRCC-Compassionate Respect: a Response to Suffering.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 722. SRCC-Compassion and Healing.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 723. Fundamentals of Quality Improvement for Health Care.0 Credits.

Health care delivery systems in the U.S. are facing an unprecedented need for change. Health outcomes nationwide are suboptimal and care delivery is plagued with redundancy, inefficiency and patient risk. Disparities in health care further reduce quality outcomes for people of color and others of low socioeconomic status. Health systems need to transform by implementing new models and redesigning systems of care to improve outcomes for patients, reduce cost and increase efficiency. Innovations such as electronic health records, the Patient Centered Medical Home, and Accountable Care Organizations, as well as a growing emphasis on outcome-driven, evidence-based care require systems redesign and large-scale implementation of new care models in all fields of health care. This course introduces students to the fundamental tools of quality improvement used by high-performing health care organizations. Students completing the course acquire a basic understanding of quality assessment and measurement, and are introduced to some of the most common and applicable tools and approaches to quality improvement. Using an interactive format, this course incorporates material from a rage of sources including books, websites, online trainings, and case studies to introduce basic concepts such as Plan Do Study Act rapid cycle tests of change, Lean Six Sigma, and change acceleration.

Prerequisites: None

MED 724. Anthropology in Forensic Medicine.0 Credits.

Forensic anthropology is an applied field of biological anthropology that seeks to recover, identify and examine human skeletal remains within a medico-legal context. In this course, students learn about the important role anthropologists play in death investigations--from homicides to accidents and from mass fatalities to human rights violations. Students participate in hands-on experience to learn the basic protocols for identifying and examining human skeletal remains. Students are able to conduct a proper skeletal inventory to establish a biological profile for unidentified human remains. In doing so, students learn to distinguish animal from human bone, determine the minimum number of individuals, establish the forensic context, and identify the age, sex, ancestry and stature of unidentified skeletal remains. Students also learn to identify and describe evidence of antemortem conditions, perimortem trauma, and postmortem damage in human skeletal remains, all of which are important components of the human identification process.

Prerequisites: None

MED 725. Cancer Survivorship.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 726. Victimology.0 Credits.

This course covers victimology theory and practice in the United States, with particular attention given to the state of Connecticut. The class focuses on victimology issues that medical professionals are likely to encounter, including, but not limited to: sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse. The class also includes the topic of death notification. Classroom lectures and discussions, invited speakers, additional readings and videos assist students in understanding current trends as well as needs in the field, and augments the text. The goal of the course is that students gain an understanding of victimology and incorporate this as a foundational area in their professional practices.

Prerequisites: None

MED 727. Current Topics in Infectious Disease.0 Credits.

This five-week online course is an intense experience for students with an interest in infectious disease. The interactive course utilizes primary literature review, discussion boards and online assignments to study the most challenging and exciting topics in microbiology and infectious disease. Example topics include Ebola and Zika viruses, vaccine development, and multi-drug resistant bacteria. The course is limited to 12 highly motivated students.

Prerequisites: None

MED 728. Stress and Disease.0 Credits.

This course enables students to explore a number of diseases that are affected or exacerbated by repeated or chronic psychological, social, environmental or economic stressors. The diseases studied include those of the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine and GI systems, as well as substance abuse and particular mental illnesses. Students explore the literature on the basic research that contributes to an understanding of the ways in which stress contributes to the pathophysiology of each disease/disorder covered. The course also looks at important articles from the clinical literature on the role of stress in each disease/disorder. The goal is also to cover a wide variety of diseases in which different biological mechanisms are known to be affected by stress or in which stress has been implicated as a contributing factor. In this way, the course also serves to reinforce and expand the students' knowledge of fundamental biological processes. An additional goal is to introduce students to new ways of thinking about diseases that may prepare them for understanding the mechanisms of new, future therapies.

Prerequisites: None

MED 729. Cancer Immunotherapy.0 Credits.

The role the immune system plays in combating cancer is a topic that has been investigated for over 100 years. But it has only recently been successfully harnessed in drug development. This developed "immunotherapy" has made a significant impact in medicine for several reasons. Among them is that, while immunotherapy is not curative in all cases, it has offered an alternative approach to treat cancer that is otherwise refractory to traditional chemotherapy. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the immunotherapy field and its impact in cancer treatment. Students learn the history of how immunotherapy was developed, and the current clinical use. In particular the proposed mechanism of function, adverse effects and future directions of immunotherapy are addressed. Students need to have completed the immunology block or an equivalent introduction to immunology course as a prerequisite to this course.

Prerequisites: None

MED 730. Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology.0 Credits.

This course introduces the principles and methods of biostatistics and epidemiology, with an emphasis on the application of biostatistics methods, analytic skills and critical thinking. Topics include epidemiological design, disease outcome measures, descriptive statistics, categorical data, comparisons of means, correlation and regression, logistic regression and ROC analysis, repeated measures, non-parametric tests, and multivariate analysis of variance. The course is designed for students with a clinical background, and provides skills to practice evidence-based medicine, and critically evaluate and interpret epidemiological research literature.

Prerequisites: None

MED 731. Wilderness, Disasters and Global Health.0 Credits.

This course explores the provision of medical care when challenges exist with regard to transportation, communication, equipment, facility infrastructure, medication supply lines and the affordability and availability of skilled health care providers. The course is divided into three modules: 1) Wilderness Medicine; 2) Disaster Preparedness; and 3) Global Health. Each module lasts approximately 4 to 5 weeks, and concentrates on a specific topic for each class session. The students gain a better understanding of the need for emergency medical care as a way to reduce death and disability in the wilderness, during man-made and natural disasters, and in low-income countries lacking medical personnel and materials.

Prerequisites: None

MED 732. Poverty and Health.0 Credits.

The "Inside-Out" Prison Exchange program is part of a national movement giving undergraduate and graduate students (outside students) and prisoners (inside students) an opportunity to learn together. This course being offered to students at Quinnipiac and female students at York Correctional Institute in Connecticut asks students to examine the impact of poverty upon health in America by applying knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of the stress response to aspects of life of those living in impoverished situations. It is a chance for all students to gain deeper understanding of health from multiple perspectives, and how it is impacted by social status, income/wealth, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and incarceration status/history. Enrollment and participation in this course by outside students is contingent upon completion and evaluation of a background check conducted by York Correctional Institute. The information obtained through the background check may be released to Quinnipiac University's employees or officers involved with the course enrollment process.

Prerequisites: None

MED 733. Leadership for Medical Student.0 Credits.

This course enables you as a medical student to develop competencies in the three major domains of leadership: developing yourself to reach your highest potential, building and leading high-performing teams, and impacting health systems in your chosen field. We draw on literature from a variety of industries and tailor skill building and experiential learning to leading from where you stand as a medical trainee in a constantly changing and highly interprofessional health care landscape.

Prerequisites: None

MED 734. Interprofessional Community-Based Service Learning..0 Credits.

The Interprofessional Community-Based Service Learning Seminar course includes 8-10 hours of community experience (for a 1-credit course) during which the student is able to observe and apply the concepts of educating an at-risk population on improving health and wellness and program implementation in a community-based service setting. The community experience is supervised by faculty with expertise in the analysis of community-based practice and the focus of learning activities for students to be engaged as active learners. Age Related (May 29, 30, 31) - Children and Youth: Keefe Center Age Related (June 3, 4, 5) - Young Adults: Cheshire Program Special Populations (June 10, 11, 12) - Special Topic: Columbus House/Homelessness

Prerequisites: None

MED 735. Creative Writing for Health Care Professionals.0 Credits.

Everyone has a story to tell. In this course, students can express themselves by writing creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry. Creative writing is any writing in which the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. Examples of creative writing include poetry, fiction, nonfiction or personal essays, memoirs and plays. The elements and techniques of creative writing include: action, character, conflict, dialogue, genre, narration, pace, plot, metaphors and similes, and imaginative language. The language of creative writing makes use of imagery, dialogue and concrete details familiar to the reader to evoke an emotional response. In this selective course, students learn to use the techniques of creative writing to let their voice and emotions be heard on the page. Health care is considered in its broadest context to refer to illness, loss, healing and well-being. This is a subject everyone can relate to, either from personal events or through imagination. Students read and discuss writings of Richard Selzer, William Carlos Williams, Oliver Sacks, Lauren Slater, Marta Traba and other authors to introduce a wide range of issues related to creative writing and health care.

Prerequisites: None

MED 736. Reproductive Health and Justice.0 Credits.

This seminar will help prepare students to promote and advance patient-centered reproductive health through broad exposure to various reproductive health topics and principles, including: . understanding full scope reproductive health care options, including contraception, preconception counseling, abortion care . introduction to a reproductive justice framework . introduction to the concept of intersectionality . provision of patient-centered counseling on various reproductive health issues . exploring legislative, cultural and societal factors impacting people's experiences with reproductive health care . introduction to the principles of trauma-informed care . addressing the reproductive health needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming people sharing local resources for patients and providers .

Prerequisites: None

MED 737. Rapid Realist Review: Practical Approach.0 Credits.

This course will provide students with training in a specific literature review methodology which can be used to conduct capstone research projects. Rapid Realist Review (RRR) is a time-efficient approach to knowledge synthesis which is based on the application of realist philosophy in evaluating primary research studies addressing complex interventions. Rather than judging effectiveness of interventions generally, realist reviews clarify which intervention components work, for whom, under what circumstances, to what extent, and why. This course will teach students how to evaluate Intervention-Context-Mechanism-Outcome (I-C-M-O) relationships by identifying and analyzing different types of medical evidence in conjunction with relevant theory. The course will also develop students' teamwork skills as they work with faculty and other students collaborating on closely related capstone research questions.

Prerequisites: None

MED 738. Lifestyle Medicine: Living Longer, Happier..0 Credits.

This course aims to provide an immersive and practical learning experience that empowers healthcare trainees to develop foundational competencies in the field of lifestyle medicine (LM). We aim to equip learners with evidence-informed knowledge, attitudes, skills and tools to improve their own and their patients' lives by preventing, reversing and treating lifestyle related diseases that impact lifespan, healthspan and happiness. The course is created and taught by faculty certified in Lifestyle Medicine and developed in collaboration with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Medical students from all concentrations as well as health professions students will find this content useful and applicable to multiple aspects of their personal and professional lives and to their developing identity as a patient-centered systems savvy healthcare professional.

Prerequisites: None

MED 739. Drawing and Medical Illustration.0 Credits.

Physicians include drawing and medical illustration as a part of their day-to-day practice in all fields, from primary care to surgery. Drawing as a form of communication enhances patient understanding of their underlying conditions, consents for surgery, and communicates their illness severity. It can enhance understanding of a medication regimen and improve outcomes through enhanced medication adherence. Medical illustration can be used as an education tool in practice, with team members, and for the community. It is one way to address differences in health literacy and improve healthcare outcomes. We aim to provide an opportunity for medical students to deliberately use medical illustration to communicate disease information, share information about surgical treatments, medication regimens, and patient, provider, and community education.

Prerequisites: None

MED 799. SRCC-Independent Study Selective.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 810. Coaching for Adaptive Learning.0 Credits.

Medical school is not easy because it is preparing students for a rigorous career in medicine where people's lives and livelihoods are at stake. Cultivating and strengthening a growth mindset, seeing challenges as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow is increasingly important to the 21st Century medical education. This is a School of Medicine course in which medical students develop foundational knowledge and skills in self-regulation and adaptive learning. Self-regulation concerns self-initiated and self-monitored activities, practices, and behaviors that learners engage in to pursue academic mastery. Adaptive learners observe, appraise, and adjust their practices in response to learning challenges. Students will gain competence in habits of mind necessary for overcoming contemporary academic struggles, and which also foster lifelong learning in medicine. These habits of mind support making connections between formal knowledge and experiential learning - including important skills of curiosity; engaging and building rapport with peers; leadership of self and others; external- and self-appraisal that allows comprehension of gaps in knowledge or attitude and the need to change; personal and professional development-seeking to gain new expertise; giving and receiving feedback that enables oneself and others to thrive and excel; setting priorities and planning for learning; mastering time management; and balancing fulfillment of personal and curricular responsibilities.

Prerequisites: None

MED 811. Foundations of Medicine I.0 Credits.

Course Goal: The goal of Foundations of Medicine (FOM) I is for medical students to achieve foundational knowledge in the basic medical sciences, with an emphasis on gaining a detailed understanding of common and representative illnesses. By the end of year one, students are knowledgeable in human biology and the impact that psychological, social, cultural and economic forces have on human health. They are able to discuss the epidemiology and prevention of major medical conditions. Knowledge gained in FOM I will be revisited and expanded the following year in FOM II. The course is divided into foundational and organ system blocks with horizontal and vertical integration across the blocks and with the other courses. The School of Medicine's longitudinal themes of pharmacology, nutrition, behavioral and social sciences, biomedical ethics and epidemiology also are integrated throughout the curriculum as they relate to specific organs and diseases throughout each block. The course is taught through a variety of teaching methods including lectures and small group events that employ case-based learning activities. Dissection-based anatomy is integrated across all of the organ system blocks in the first year.

Prerequisites: None

MED 812. Clinical Arts and Sciences I.0 Credits.

Clinical Arts and Sciences (CAS) I is an innovative introduction to clinical medicine course that aims to teach foundational clinical skills in a safe, collaborative environment incorporating experiential learning in both simulated and real clinical settings. CAS has two sections providing up to 6-8 hours of curricular activity each week. Foundations of Clinical Care (FCC): This section is dedicated to teaching clinical skills, predominantly in a small group setting of eight students and two experienced physicians. Students learn patient-centered interviewing, history taking, communication and physical examination. Medical documentation and oral presentations are emphasized throughout the academic year. Clinical reasoning and advanced communication skills are introduced in semester two. Basic procedural skills training, telemedicine training, and interprofessional activities centered around ultrasound training also provide significant experiential learning opportunities. Simulated practice with standardized patients (SPs) is one of the predominant features of this section of the course. Student knowledge of clinical skills is assessed via formative objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) on a monthly basis and with a summative OSCE at the end of the academic year. Faculty complete a summative evaluation of student performance each semester. The course also encourages learners' understanding of professionalism and professional identity formation with self-assessments such as video review and goal setting opportunities, in addition to peer feedback and feedback from the SPs and faculty. Medical Student Home (MeSH): This section pairs a medical student with a practicing community physician with the express purpose of providing each medical student with a supervised environment to practice the foundational clinical skills learned in FCC. Students spend one afternoon a week, 4 hours at a time, in the physician's office-based practice. Physicians directly observe students interview and examine patients. Physicians provide formative feedback through a workplace-based assessment program. A summative faculty evaluation of students is also completed.

Prerequisites: None

MED 813. Scholarly Concentration (SRCC) and Capstone Course I.0 Credits.

Course Goal: Scholarly Reflection and Concentration/Capstone (SRCC) is a four-year course focused on seven core domains: Evaluating Information Sources, Critical Appraisal of Literature, Interacting with and Interpreting Data, Self-Reflection, Personalized Curriculum, Responsible Research Practice, and Scholarship. SRCC allows learners to personalize their curriculum and prepare for scholarly endeavors during residency and future practice. In self-designing their capstone curriculum, learners pursue a scholarly interest through a longitudinal, mentored project designing one of eight concentrations (health policy and advocacy; medical education; medical humanities; basic, translational, and clinical research; health communications; health care management and organizational leadership; global, community and public health; and interprofessional education and practice). They gain both conceptual understanding and practical skills in research methods, epidemiology, medical informatics, biostatistics, evaluating information sources, and critical appraisal of medical literature. The information presented in this course is integrated whenever possible with material in the Foundations of Medicine and the Clinical Arts and Sciences courses, to enable learners to apply biostatistics, epidemiology and medical informatics to community and public health, medical literature interpretatio, and clinical decision-making.

Prerequisites: None

MED 821. Foundations of Medicine II.0 Credits.

Course Goal: Building on the foundation provided by the FOM I curriculum, the goal of FOM II is for medical students to attain essential knowledge and skills related to the pathophysiology and epidemiology of diseases. In addition, students develop a broad understanding of treatment paradigms for common medical disorders. The longitudinal themes of behavioral and social sciences, biomedical ethics, epidemiology, pharmacology and nutrition are interwoven into curricular content in FOM II. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a major instructional component in FOM II and integrates active and self-directed learning with the development of clinical reasoning skills in the assessment of patient symptoms, signs and laboratory findings. Collaborative and professional participation in this activity are essential components of PBL.

Prerequisites: None

MED 822. Clinical Arts and Sciences II.0 Credits.

Clinical Arts and Sciences (CAS) II is an innovative introduction to clinical medicine course that aims to teach foundational clinical skills in a safe, collaborative environment incorporating experiential learning in both simulated and real clinical settings. CAS has two sections providing up to 6-8 hours of curricular activity each week. Foundations of Clinical Care (FCC): This section is dedicated to teaching clinical skills, predominantly in a small group setting of eight students and two experienced physicians. Students build upon the skills they learned in CAS I. Clinical reasoning becomes a central component of the course in year two with monthly instructional sessions that are well integrated with the foundational topics being covered in the FOM course. Sessions are also dedicated to advanced physical examination techniques as well as advanced communication skills such as delivering unwelcome news and sharing medical information. Medical documentation and oral presentations continue to be emphasized throughout the academic year with a focus on assessment and plan in CAS II. Basic procedural skills training, telemedicine training and interprofessional activities centered around ultrasound training also provide significant experiential learning opportunities. Simulated practice with standardized patients (SPs) is one of the predominant features of this section of the course. Student knowledge of clinical skills is assessed via formative objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) on a monthly basis and with a summative OSCE at the end of the academic year. Faculty complete a summative evaluation of student performance each semester. The course also encourages learners' understanding of professionalism and professional identity formation with self-assessments such as video review and goal setting opportunities, in addition to peer feedback and feedback from the SPs and faculty. Medical Student Home (MeSH): This section pairs a medical student with a practicing community physician with the express purpose of providing each medical student with a supervised environment to practice the foundational clinical skills learned in FCC. Students spend one afternoon a week, 4 hours at a time, in the physician's office-based practice. Physicians directly observe students interview and examine patients. Physicians provide formative feedback through a workplace-based assessment program. A summative faculty evaluation of students is also completed.

Prerequisites: None

MED 823. Scholarly Concentration (SRCC) and Capstone Course II.0 Credits.

Course Goal: Scholarly Reflection and Concentration/Capstone (SRCC) is a four-year course focused on seven core domains: Evaluating Information Sources, Critical Appraisal of Literature, Interacting with and Interpreting Data, Self-Reflection, Personalized Curriculum, Responsible Research Practice, and Scholarship. Learners continue to execute their capstone project in their chosen concentration area and finish taking their 6 credits of personalized curriculum selectives. Learners use narrative medicine and reflective practice to develop personally and professionally. The evidence-based medicine component provides opportunities for medical students to enhance skills of critical judgment based on evidence and experience, and develop their ability to use those principles and skills effectively in solving problems of health and disease.

Prerequisites: None

MED 830. USMLE Step 1 Self-Study Review.0 Credits.

A course in which medical students pursue self-directed independent study with faculty support and resources in preparation for the USMLE Step 1 Examination. Students will (1) identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in knowledge of the pre-clinical medical sciences; (2) set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals to plan for learning; (3) select, engage in, and complete learning activities that address one's limits in knowledge of the pre-clinical medical sciences; and (4) reflect upon learning progress using informed self-assessment and external feedback, and appropriately adjust learning strategies.

Prerequisites: None

MED 831. Internal Medicine Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Clerkship Internal Medicine

Prerequisites: None

MED 832. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Clerkship Obstetrics and Gynecology

Prerequisites: None

MED 833. Pediatrics Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Clerkship Pediatrics

Prerequisites: None

MED 834. Primary Care Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Clerkship Primary Care

Prerequisites: None

MED 835. Psychiatry Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Psychiatry Clerkship

Prerequisites: None

MED 836. Surgery Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year Clerkship Surgery

Prerequisites: None

MED 837. Longitudinal Integrated Clerks.0 Credits.

3rd Year Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship

Prerequisites: None

MED 838. Alternative Clerkship Experience.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 839. LMC Clerkship.0 Credits.

3rd Year LMC Clerkships

Prerequisites: None

MED 841. Emergency Medicine Clerkship.0 Credits.

Four-week required Emergency Medicine Clerkship.

Prerequisites: None

MED 842. Critical Care Clerkship.0 Credits.

Four-week Critical Care Clerkship.

Prerequisites: None

MED 843. Capstone Course.0 Credits.

Four-week capstone course.

Prerequisites: None

MED 844. Internal Medicine Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

Four-week sub-internship.

Prerequisites: None

MED 845. Pediatric Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

Four-week sub-internship in pediatrics.

Prerequisites: None

MED 846. Surgery Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

Four-week sub-internship in surgery.

Prerequisites: None

MED 847. Family Medicine Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

The Family Medicine Sub-Internship is a four-week long primarily in-patient experience, blended with a few half days of out-patient experience, to develop competence and readiness for clinical practice as a family medicine resident. Students actively participate in care transitions for hospitalized patients including admission, transfer between services, sign-outs between various teams, and discharge from the hospital, as well as cross-coverage roles. Students are expected to provide high-value, evidence-based care for patients with common family medicine conditions including but not limited to: abdominal pain, acute kidney injury, chest pain, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, electrolyte imbalance, hypertension, sepsis, shortness of breath and urinary tract infections.

Prerequisites: None

MED 848. QU Affiliated Elective.0 Credits.

Four-week elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 849. Away Elective.0 Credits.

Four-week away elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 850. Surgery Home Elective.0 Credits.

Surgery Home elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 851. Internal Medicine Home Elective.0 Credits.

Internal Medicine Home elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 852. Primary Care Home Elective.0 Credits.

Primary Care Home elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 853. Psychiatry Home Elective.0 Credits.

Psychiatry Home elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 854. Pediatrics Home Elective.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 855. Ob/Gyn Home Elective.0 Credits.

Ob/Gyn Home elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 856. Pathology Home Elective.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 857. Advanced MeSH.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 858. Research Elective.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 859. Physical Medicine.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 860. Virtual Elective.0 Credits.

Virtual elective.

Prerequisites: None

MED 861. Ob/Gyn Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

Sub Internship in OB/Gyn

Prerequisites: None

MED 862. Psychiatry Sub-Internship.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 863. Emergency Medicine Home Elective.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: None

MED 864. Medicine Home Elective.0 Credits.

Medicine Home Elective

Prerequisites: None

MED 999. Community Service.0 Credits.

All students must complete required community service hours

Prerequisites: None