ENT 610. Entrepreneurship and Franchising.3 Credits.

Franchising is a $1 trillion direct sales business. To some financial analysts, franchising is the purest form of capitalism and entrepreneurship. This course looks at how entrepreneurs can expand their business model by adapting the franchise model. Students examine the benefits of franchising, and the hurdles and pitfalls to avoid. Participants use actual cases of entrepreneurs, develop a franchise model and make a final presentation to a panel of entrepreneurs and successful franchisors.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

ENT 620. Corporate Entrepreneurship.3 Credits.

This course is designed for intrapreneurs who want to apply their entrepreneurial spirit to innovate within established organizations, as well as for managers whose goal is to build and manage innovation processes in the organization. Students learn techniques and best practices that combine innovation strategies, start-up thinking and entrepreneurial methods to accomplish organizational innovation in its many forms, from product/service innovation and business model innovation, to innovation for social and environmental purposes. The course uses case studies, readings and projects.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

ENT 625. Entrepreneurship.3 Credits.

The course deals with the creation and management of new businesses and the institutionalization of innovation in existing businesses. Students are introduced to a body of knowledge on the successful planning, implementation, and management of entrepreneurial ventures. The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge and the ability to identify and assess business opportunity and estimate the resource requirements necessary to success. Production of a business plan is required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

ENT 640. Venture Capital & Private Equity.3 Credits.

This course covers key elements around private investments, including Angels, Venture Capital (VC), and Private Equity (PE). Over the course, students will be provided with a deep understanding of the mechanism underpinning various steps involved in private investments, from concept to real-world practice. Topics include, (1) general characteristics of investment modalities, (2) sources of capital, (3) valuation, (4) due diligence and market assessment, (5) elements of term sheet, (6) negotiation, and (7) exit strategies. The course covers several case studies of VC and PE funds from diverse sectors, including tech, software, biotech, AI, and manufacturing. It also includes individual- and group-based projects for assessing various funds, technologies, and due diligence.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

ENT 688. Entrepreneurship Independent Study.3 Credits.

Prerequisites: None