Program Contact: Paul LoCasto  203-582-3725

Psychology explores phenomena from multiple perspectives and is an ideal starting point for many careers. Our students go on to graduate-level work in psychology and pursue careers in a wide range of fields including school psychology, industrial-organizational psychology and many mental health fields. This degree also prepares students for success in fields such as law, education and business, which require strong critical thinking skills and a solid understanding of interpersonal relationships. In this program, students work with experienced faculty members who research intriguing topics, such as how we read stories, workplace relationships, aggressive behaviors and mindfulness.

Academic studies will be augmented by lab courses that involve designing psychological studies and collecting data. Students can participate in supervised fieldwork in one of our concentrations to gain experience applying their knowledge of psychology to a real-world setting. Quinnipiac provides real-world experience based on students’ interests. In addition to participating in summer research projects at institutions across the country, our students have interned at a battered women’s center, psychiatric in-patient clinics and national corporations. Our psychology majors graduate well prepared to enter the workforce or to pursue an advanced degree.

Students majoring in psychology must complete a psychology concentration, a minor, or a second major in addition to the following requirements for graduation:

University Curriculum 146
Modern Language Requirement3-6
Professional Development
PS 190Career Development Through Psyc Literacy1
Developing Psychological Literacy
PS 101Introduction to Psychology3
Methods of Knowing in Psychology
PS 206Introduction to Statistics in Psychology 23
PS 307Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology with Lab 23
Perspectives in Psychology
Take a course in four of the following perspective areas 312
Biological Perspective
Learning and Memory
Biological Psychology
Clinical Perspective
Health Psychology
Cognitive Perspective
Cognitive Psychology
Communicating Effectively: A Cognitive Perspective
Developmental Perspective
Child and Adolescent Development
Parenting Science
Social Perspective
Psychology of Prejudice
Social Psychology
Psychology and the Law
Work & Occupations Perspective
Psychology in the Workplace
Occupational Health Psychology
Additional Requirements
PS elective at the 200 level or higher 3
PS elective at the 200 level or higher 3
PS elective at the 300 level or higher 3
Diversity or multi-cultural course3
Demonstrating Psychology Literacy
PS 401Integrative Capstone for Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience Majors3
Total Credits86-89

All students must complete the 46 credits of the University Curriculum. Students in the psychology major must complete MA 140 or higher. MA 170 is recommended if a student earns a score of two or higher on the placement exam. 


Students must earn a grade of C- or higher before moving on to the next course.


Students must take three of the four required perspectives at Quinnpiac University. 

Psychology majors also have the opportunity to engage in supervised fieldwork and intensive study within one of three concentrations.

Applied Clinical Science Concentration

Students may apply to enroll in the applied clinical science (ACS) concentration within the psychology major. The program prepares students for careers related to clinical psychology and provides the basis for graduate work in fields such as social work, counseling and school psychology. A minimum 3.00 overall GPA is required to participate in the ACS concentration fieldwork courses. Space is limited in the fieldwork courses and, therefore, in some years enrollment in the concentration may be awarded on a competitive basis.

ACS students must take:

PS 272Psychopathology3
PS 371Clinical Psychology3
PS 391Applied Clinical Science Seminar (SL: Service Learning)3
PS 393Fieldwork in Applied Clinical Science (SL: Service Learning)3
PS 394Fieldwork in Applied Clinical Science (SL: Service Learning)3
Total Credits15

The ACS program emphasizes:

  1. Mental health fields as possible careers.
  2. Conceptions of mental illness, both past and present.
  3. Evidence-based treatment techniques in clinical psychology and related fields.

Applied Cognition Concentration

The applied cognition concentration focuses on providing students with the opportunity to gain job-relevant skills while exploring cognition. Students are exposed to major theories and methods in cognitive psychology, along with applications of cognitive psychology to the workplace (e.g., design thinking, task analysis, survey design) and careers that use insights and methods from cognitive psychology (e.g., behavioral engineering). Because cognitive psychology draws on a range of disciplines, students will also have the opportunity to explore cognition from a different field.

Applied Cognition students must take:

PS 233Cognitive Psychology3
PS 333Applied Cognition3
Elective from a related discipline 13
Skill-Building 20-3
Total Credits9-12

Elective from a related discipline (e.g. computer science, philosophy, industrial or software engineering) to be decided upon by student in consultation with a faculty member in the cognitive perspective.


Skill-building through internship, independent research or relevant training (e.g. certification of technical skill) to be decided upon by student in consultation with a faculty member in the cognitive perspective.

The Applied Cognition program emphasizes:

  1. Applying theories and methods from cognitive psychology to real-world contexts.
  2. Exploring and experiencing multidisciplinary careers in cognitive psychology.
  3. Building marketable skills that are relevant for a range of careers (e.g., public speaking, collaboration), as well as specific skills that are relevant for jobs in cognitive psychology (e.g., task analysis, survey design).

Applied Work and Organizational Psychology Concentration

Students may elect to enroll in the applied work and organizational psychology program within the psychology major. The program exposes students to career possibilities in industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology areas and provides the basis for further study related to fields such as I-O psychology and management. Applied work and organizational psychology students must take:

PS 265Psychology in the Workplace3
Take one of the following3
Advanced Personnel Psychology
Advanced Organizational Psychology
PS 397Fieldwork in Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
Total Credits9

The applied work and organizational psychology program emphasizes:

  1. Using psychological principles to study and improve working conditions.
  2. Developing and practicing marketable skills that are relevant for a range of careers (e.g., public speaking, collaboration), as well as specific skills that are relevant for jobs in industrial-organizational psychology or human resource management (e.g., job analysis, test validation, training design). 
  3. Gaining relevant, hands-on experience in careers related to industrial-organizational psychology and human resource management.

Student Learning Outcomes1

  1. Breadth of Knowledge of Psychology: Use and evaluate various psychological perspectives to evaluate and predict complexities in affect, behavior and cognition; understand the history of the field and how psychology fits with other disciplines.
  2. Scientific Reasoning: Conduct, interpret and evaluate scientific studies in terms of the reliability, validity and generalizability of the research designs; develop open-mindedness, curiosity and amiable skepticism toward claims.
  3. Ethical Responsibility: Apply ethical standards to research and practice situations; demonstrate interpersonal sensitivity in work and communities.
  4. Communication Skills: Demonstrate flexibility and clarity of argument in both written and oral communication.
  5. Personal Development: Apply psychological thinking to issues encountered in work and personal life, such as using evidence to solve problems; engage in teamwork as well as self-reflection and self-management.

*Note, our discussion draws upon APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major.

Admission Requirements: College of Arts and Sciences

The requirements for admission into the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences programs are the same as those for admission to Quinnipiac University.

Admission to the university is competitive, and applicants are expected to present a strong college prep program in high school. Prospective first-year students are strongly encouraged to file an application as early in the senior year as possible, and arrange to have first quarter grades sent from their high school counselor as soon as they are available.

For detailed admission requirements, including required documents, please visit the Admissions page of this catalog.

Transfer into the Psychology Major

Seamless Transfer Agreement with Gateway Community College (GCC), Housatonic Community College (HCC) and Norwalk Community College (NCC)

Under this Transfer Agreement, GCC, HCC and NCC graduates will be guaranteed admission into a bachelor’s degree program with third year (junior) status at Quinnipiac University on the condition that they: 

  • Graduate with an associate in arts, an associate in science in business, College of Technology engineering science, nursing or an allied health degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (this may be higher in specific programs). 
  • Satisfy all other Quinnipiac University transfer admission requirements and requirements for intended major.

Quinnipiac University agrees to accept the general education embedded in these associate degree programs in accordance with Quinnipiac preferred choices for general education as meeting all the requirements of its undergraduate general education except for the Integrative Capstone Experience and where courses are encumbered by the major (e.g., General Chemistry for the Disciplinary Inquiry Natural Science requirement for a Biochemistry major).

Suggested Transfer Curriculum for BS in Psychology

A minimum of 60 credits is required for transfer into the BS in Psychology program. Below is a recommended plan of study for the first two years prior to matriculation at Quinnipiac University.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterCredits
English I 3
Statistics 3
General Psychology I 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Spring Semester
English II 3
Psychology Elective 3
Elective 3-4
Elective 3
Elective 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
Abnormal Psychology 3
Elective 3-4
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Spring Semester
Psychology Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
 Total Credits60-62

Please note: The BS in Psychology program at Quinnipiac University requires at least 50% (24 credits) of the psychology major requirements to be taken at Quinnipiac. 

Shown below is one of many possible paths through the curriculum. Each student's individual academic plan is crafted in consultation with their academic adviser.

First Year
Milestones: Earn 30 credits, meet with your adviser at least once a semester and have a GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Fall Semester
PS 101Introduction to Psychology3
MA 170Probability and Data Analysis3
EN 101Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing3
FYS 101First-Year Seminar3
University Curriculum course or Language at the 101 level3
Spring Semester
Psychology Perspective Course3
EN 102Academic Writing and Research3
University Curriculum course or Language at the 102 level, Satisfies CAS language requirement3
University Curriculum course3
Open Elective3
Second Year
Milestones: Earn 60 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester to discuss academic, experiential learning, career and co-curricular opportunities.
Fall Semester
PS 206Introduction to Statistics in Psychology3
Psychology Perspective Course3
University Curriculum Natural Science course4
University Curriculum course or Language at the 101 level3
Open Elective3
Spring Semester
Psychology Perspective Course3
Psychology Perspective Course3
PS 190Career Development Through Psyc Literacy1
University Curriculum Course or Language at the 102 level (Satisfies CAS Language Requirement)3
Open Elective3
Open Elective, Minor, or Concentration 3
Third Year
Milestones: Earn 90 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester. Participate in study abroad, complete internship or research opportunities.
Fall Semester
PS 307Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology with Lab3
Psychology Perspective course at the 200 level3
PS required Diversity/Multicultural course3
University Curriculum course3
Open Elective, Minor, or Concentration 3
Spring Semester
Psychology Perspective course at the 200 level3
Open Elective, Minor, or Concentration 3
University Curriculum course3
Open Elective 3
Open Elective3
Fourth Year
Milestones: Earn 120 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Complete possible minor or double major and prepare for graduation.
Fall Semester
Psychology at the 300 level3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Open Elective, Minor, or Concentration 3
Open Elective3
Spring Semester
PS 401Integrative Capstone for Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience Majors3
Open Elective, Minor, or Concentration 3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Open Elective1
Total Credits120