Program Contact: Julia Giblin 203-582-8381

Anthropology is the study of humans in the broadest sense: through time and across geographical space, as social beings and as biological creatures. Anthropologists are interested in the big questions about what makes us human, and how living and past cultures are similar and different. Most importantly, anthropologists explore what we can learn from other people cross-culturally, from our ancestors in the past and from our primate relatives.

Studying anthropology allows students to understand the complexity of human diversity and to develop confidence in one’s ability to work collaboratively with people from vastly different backgrounds and life experiences. Anthropology is a perfect area of study for anyone interested in learning about other cultures and ways of life, and offers excellent preparation for any career choice. Anthropology students find work in such fields as medicine, law, nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations, government, public health, sustainable development and international aid, and education. Anthropology offers students important training in persuasive writing, scientific research and data analysis, and critical thinking.

To complete the minor, students must take 18 credits of anthropology coursework.