Program Contact: Jill Shahverdian  203-582-3663

The power of mathematics lies in its focus on precise and logical reasoning to draw conclusions and make discoveries in many domains, both abstract and concrete.

The idea of mathematics as a process of carrying out procedures and following rules to produce a single right answer is a misconception. At the college level, the discipline is fully realized as a way of thinking, which can be applied in almost any context, wherever the basis for what is true or false can be understood while minimizing fuzziness or ambiguity.

The starting point in mathematics is not a large body of facts, but is instead a small number of ideas that are made precise and thoroughly understood. Mathematical knowledge is built from these in a way that gives us access to the steps that form the logical basis for why something makes sense.

Times have changed. We live in a world where decisions need to be justified with data and conclusions need to be quantified. To be effective, we must critically evaluate judgments based on data and quantifiable observations, and present arguments in a logical fashion. Presenting conclusions alone is not enough; they must be explained in a way that convinces others, supported by sound logical reasoning. This kind of argument is the focus of mathematics.

Ultimately, mathematics builds our ability to create new knowledge, justify new conclusions and make new discoveries in any realm where logical thought yields power—which is to say, just about everywhere.

Consequently, the study of mathematics will better enable you to succeed in other disciplines, from chemistry to political science to sociology, at a more advanced level. This is also why mathematics majors find careers doing advanced work in consulting, government, analytics, engineering, education and other important fields.


Students majoring in mathematics must meet the following requirements for graduation. Note: A C- or better is required for all departmental prerequisites, unless otherwise stated. Students are required to maintain a GPA of 2.00 or better for all courses used to fulfill the mathematics major.

University Curriculum 146
Modern Language Requirement3-6
Core Courses27
Calculus of a Single Variable
and Integral Calculus With Applications
Calculus I
Calculus II: Part A
and Calculus II: Part B
Calculus II
Calculus III
Linear Algebra
Foundations of Advanced Mathematics
Abstract Algebra
Advanced Calculus
Mathematics Senior Seminar
Nine Credits of MA Electives 29
Open Electives29-32
Total Credits114-120

All students must complete the University Curriculum requirements.


MA electives must be taken at the 285 number or higher. MA 299 and MA 399 do not count as MA electives. 

While students must consult with their major adviser in planning a course of study, the department provides the following recommendations.

Students graduating with a major in mathematics will demonstrate the following competencies:

  1. Application: Apply the fundamental concepts of calculus and linear algebra to solve both abstract and applied problems.
  2. Communication: Communicate mathematics effectively, both orally and in writing.
  3. Collaboration: Collaborate effectively to understand and solve mathematical problems.
  4. Abstraction: Recognize and describe abstractions that unify mathematical structures and problems.
  5. Appreciation: Articulate an understanding of the nature and value of mathematics and the unique epistemology of the subject.
  6. Technology: Apply appropriate technology in exploring mathematical concepts and solving mathematical problems.
  7. Independence: Independently investigate and acquire mathematical knowledge and formulate strategies to solve mathematical problems.
  8. Analysis: Read and judge the validity of mathematical proofs and write proofs that are clear and valid.

Admission Requirements: College of Arts and Sciences

The requirements for admission into the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences programs are the same as those for admission to Quinnipiac University.

Admission to the university is competitive, and applicants are expected to present a strong college prep program in high school. Prospective first-year students are strongly encouraged to file an application as early in the senior year as possible, and arrange to have first quarter grades sent from their high school counselor as soon as they are available.

For detailed admission requirements, including required documents, please visit the Admissions page of this catalog.

Shown below is one of many possible paths through the curriculum. Each student's individual academic plan is crafted in consultation with their academic adviser.

First Year
Milestones: Earn 30 credits, meet with your adviser at least once a semester and have a GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Fall Semester
MA 151Calculus I4
EN 101Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing3
FYS 101First-Year Seminar3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Spring Semester
MA 152Calculus II4
MA 229Linear Algebra3
EN 102Academic Writing and Research3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Second Year
Milestones: Earn 60 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester to discuss academic, experiential learning, career and co-curricular opportunities.
Fall Semester
MA 251Calculus III4
MA 301Foundations of Advanced Mathematics3
Language at the 101 level3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Spring Semester
MA 321Abstract Algebra3
Language at the 102 level (Satisfies CAS Language Requirement)3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
University Curriculum course3
Third Year
Milestones: Earn 90 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Meet with your adviser at least once per semester. Participate in study abroad, complete internship or research opportunities.
Fall Semester
Mathematics Elective3
University Curriculum course4
Open Elective4
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Spring Semester
Mathematics Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Fourth Year
Milestones: Earn 120 credits and a GPA of 2.00 or higher. Complete possible minor or double major and prepare for graduation.
Fall Semester
Mathematics Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective1
Spring Semester
MA 490Mathematics Senior Seminar3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Open Elective3
Total Credits120