Program Contact: John Powers 203-582-7939

Quinnipiac offers a five-year Dual-Degree Bachelor’s/Master’s in Interactive Media and Communications (4+1) program for students who are currently enrolled in any Quinnipiac undergraduate program and wish to pursue graduate studies at the university. If accepted, students can take up to six credits of graduate courses during their senior year, beginning in the fall semester. Those credits can be applied to both undergraduate and graduate programs. Applications for the dual-degree program are available through the School of Communications.

The Master of Science in Interactive Media and Communications program merges creative, visual and critical thinking to mold expert digital storytellers and designers who are able to reach audiences on any platform.

The program prepares students not only to design, produce and manage a range of content, but also to become strong creative thinkers and visual leaders. Students learn principles of human-centered design to better understand and connect with a wide range of audiences and apply design thinking strategies to solve creative, technical and business-related obstacles.

The program provides a deep exploration into all aspects of media, including web design and production; social media; digital audio, video and graphics; and UX and UI.

Regardless of the specialty, the completion of a practice-based portfolio capstone is central to the program experience. This capstone is not a singular project, but a robust, web-based portfolio generated over time that will showcase accumulated work and skillset depth. The student’s portfolio is influenced by every course and program experience, and can be shown to employers in a range of fields from marketing, public relations, advertising, journalism, publishing, entertainment, healthcare and more.

Dual-Degree Bachelor’s/Master’s (4+1) Program of Study

Current Quinnipiac undergraduate students may apply for the five-year dual-degree program in their junior year.

Students in the Dual-Degree Bachelor’s/Master’s in Interactive Media and Communications (4+1) program complete up to six credits of graduate courses during their senior year, which also fulfills undergraduate electives. Students must work with their undergraduate advisers to ensure that the courses fit into their degree programs.

To earn the master’s degree, students must complete 30 credits with a minimum 3.00 GPA and no grades less than a C. Any course with a grade less than C must be retaken.

The program has nine credits of required courses and 21 credits of electives. A flexible elective structure allows students to customize the degree to coincide with career goals. Students have the opportunity to enroll in an optional three-credit internship as part of the program.

Students create a master’s blog to keep a unique record of their research, perspectives and work throughout the program.

A required master’s capstone experience is included in the 30 credits. For the capstone, the students create a professional-quality web portfolio, selecting the best work from their courses and experiences.

Program of Study

Senior Year (Fourth Year)
Fall Semester
ICM 501Foundations in Graduate Studies3
Spring Semester
ICM 506Writing for Interactive Media3
Summer Semester
ICM Elective Courses6
Graduate Study (Fifth Year)
Fall Semester
ICM Elective Courses9
Spring Semester
ICM Elective Courses6
ICM 601Master's Capstone3
Total Credits30

Electives (select seven, aligned with your professional goals)

Select seven courses from the following list:21
Visual Design
Motion Across Media
Web Technologies
Audio and Video Design
Principles of User Experience Design
Content Strategy
Understanding Your Audience
Design Sprints
Ideation, Prototyping and Testing
Visual Storytelling
Social Media Practice and Techniques
Social Media Analytics
Social Media for the Public Good
Content Creation
Data Visualization
Independent Study
Graduate Internship
Total Credits21

Student Learning Outcomes

The Interactive Media and Communications program (ICM) encompasses a wide spectrum of interactive media. The program acknowledges that interactive media is a cultural catalyst that has revolutionized the way people communicate. It prepares students to think and act critically, creatively and ethically. The program provides a rigorous curriculum of research, writing, conceptualization, problem solving, innovation and creative practice. Students graduating from this program are well prepared to meet the challenges within the field of interactive media and to develop ethical cross-media communication strategies. The areas of study are always evolving and include visual design, web technology, motion graphics, UX, social media, content creation, audio/video design and writing. The program concludes with a capstone experience that is a culmination of work created throughout the program. The following competencies are critical for interactive media practitioners, and they construct a framework that contributes to the overall effective practice of the discipline.

Upon completion of the program, students should be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  1. Conduct In-Depth Research: Conduct in-depth research using professional methods and terminology that demonstrates fluency in the use of formal vocabulary and concepts. This includes recognizing the influence of major cultural, historical, technological and aesthetic trends on contemporary interactive products and services.
  2. Practice Creative and Critical Thinking: Practice processes and methods that cover empathy, the psychology of the user, problem definition and ideation methods. They build a knowledge base and skillset required to practice across media and to conduct the “deep work” required of master’s level study.
  3. Solve Creative Problems: Solve creative problems using the synthesis of technical, aesthetic and conceptual knowledge. This is demonstrated by the ability to create and develop visual and written responses to communication problems using research, preproduction, storyboarding and media production techniques.
  4. Implement Processes: Use industry-standard processes and methods to produce communications that incorporate a high level of strategy, planning, production and distribution. This is exhibited by the ability to solve communication challenges by using analysis, prototyping, user testing and outcome evaluation, among other methods.
  5. Develop Strategies: Know how to use words, visuals, video, social media and mobile media to build an audience and deliver content. They create an effective media presence and apply their knowledge to strategic challenges within real-world situations. 
  6. Actualize Concepts: Actualize technical, aesthetic and conceptual decisions based on using appropriate tools and technology. This includes knowing how to learn techniques with the recognition that technological change is constant.
  7. Produce Professional Media: Produce a body of media suitable for seeking professional opportunities in their chosen branch of communication. This is facilitated through the process of identifying and packaging works, creating a consistent message, and using the results of their research and practice. The focus is on a unique and persuasive body of work to be distributed across mediums.


Quinnipiac University students from any undergraduate major may apply to the dual-degree bachelor’s/master’s in Interactive Media and Communications (ICM) program during their junior year. The deadline is the third Friday in February. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater by the end of their junior year. 

An application should be submitted to the ICM program director in the School of Communications and must consist of the following:

  • application form
  • resume
  • a cover letter that explains your decision to pursue graduate education
  • an original piece of writing (1,000-word minimum). This can be an academic, professional or creative work you have already produced, or a new original piece of writing on a topic of your choice. We are looking for depth of thought, depth of research, ability to formulate ideas and writing skills.