Program Contact: Laurie Seeger 203-582-3882

This entry-level dual-degree Physician Assistant program leading to a Bachelor of Health Science Studies and Master of Health Science is divided into a 4-year preprofessional component and a 27-month professional component. 

The preprofessional component provides students with a well-rounded education and a strong focus in biological and health science studies. This very structured and organized undergraduate program not only prepares students for the rigors of the professional component of the program, but also introduces students to the role and responsibilities of physician assistants as well as the six competencies for the physician assistant profession. The program addresses the need for medical experience by providing students with emergency medical technician (EMT) training (PY 388/PY 389) as well as extensive time shadowing practicing physician assistants (PY 397). EMT ride time and preclinical experiences take place at off-campus sites, and students are responsible for transportation to and from all off-campus sites beginning in the sophomore year. In addition, students must meet specific program health and immunization requirements for participation in the preclinical experiences. Program costs associated with the preclinical affiliations and EMT course, including uniform, parking, certification exam, health requirements documentation, background check and additional program fees, are the responsibility of the student.

Entry-Level Master’s Physician Assistant Curriculum

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterCredits
BIO 101
General Biology I
and General Biology I Lab
EN 101 Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing 3
MA 141 Calculus of a Single Variable 3
CHE 110
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab
FYS 101 First-Year Seminar 3
Spring Semester
BIO 102
General Biology II
and General Biology Lab II
EN 102 Academic Writing and Research 3
UC Disciplinary Inquiry (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
CHE 111
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
PY 104 Physician Assistant Seminar I - Orientation to the Profession 1
Summer Semester
Patient Contact Hours  
Second Year
Fall Semester
BIO 211
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab I
CHE 210
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
PHY 110
General Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
PY 388
Clinical Training I
and Clinical Training I Lab 1
Spring Semester
BIO 212
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
CHE 211
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Lab
PY 397 Pre-Health Professions Clinical Affiliation 3
PY 389
Clinical Training II
and Clinical Training II Lab 1
HSC 202 Medical Terminology 2
Summer Semester
Patient Contact Hours  
Third Year
Fall Semester
BMS 370
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Lab
BIO/BMS Core science elective 3-4
UC Disciplinary Inquiry (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
UC Disciplinary Inquiry (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
Open Elective 3
Spring Semester
BMS 200 Biomedical Basis and Experience of Human Aging 3
BMS 304 Biological Chemistry 3
BIO/BMS Core science elective 3-4
BIO/BMS/HSC Science elective 3-4
UC Personal Inquiry 1 (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
Summer Semester
Patient Contact Hours  
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
PY 401 Introduction to Clinical Problem Solving 3
BIO/BMS Core science elective 3-4
UC Personal Inquiry 1 (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
UC Personal Inquiry 2 (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
Open Electives 1-3
Spring Semester
PY 204 Physician Assistant Seminar II - The Interdisciplinary Team 1
BMS 332 Histology and Lab 4
BIO/BMS/HSC Science elective 3-4
UC Personal Inquiry 2 (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) 3
SHS 420 Integrative Capstone 3
PY 411 Introduction to PA Skills 1
 Total Credits122-129

If student has current EMT licensure on admission to the program, two additional science electives are taken instead of PY 388 and PY 389

Total number of credits required for completion of the preprofessional component = 122

Students who have earned advanced placement credit or other college credit in an introductory-level science course are encouraged to still take BIO 101/BIO 102 and CHE 110/CHE 111 at Quinnipiac. Students opting out of those courses are required to take the equivalent number of hours at a higher level in the same area of coursework. Students with AP credits in nonscience courses may elect to take only 14 credits in the fall semester of the first year.

Acceptable Core Science Electives

Select three of the following courses:
BMS 310Neuroanatomy3
BMS 318Pathophysiology3
BMS 320Pharmacology3
BMS 325Toxicology3
BMS 330Endocrinology3
BMS 372
Pathogenic Microbiology
and Pathogenic Microbiology Lab
BMS 375
and Immunology Lab
BIO 350Cardiovascular Physiology3

Additional Science Electives

Select two courses from core science electives OR from the following:
BIO 282
and Genetics Lab
or BIO 471 Molecular Genetics
BIO 298Research Methods in Biology3
or BMS 278 Research and Technology
BIO 317
Developmental Biology
and Developmental Biology Lab
BMS 318Pathophysiology3
BIO 328
Human Clinical Parasitology
and Human Clinical Parasitology Lab
BIO 329Neurobiology3
BIO 346
Cell Physiology
and Cell Physiology Lab
BIO 365Cancer Biology3
BIO 382
Human Genetics
and Human Genetics Lab
BMS 276Drug Development3
BMS 378Vaccines and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases3
BMS 470Virology4
BMS 473Infections of Leisure3
or BMS 474 Power of Plagues
BMS 475Special Topics in Microbiology4
BMS 482Independent Study in Microbiology 12-4
BMS 498Independent Study in Biomedical Sciences I 12-4
BMS 499Independent Study in Biomedical Sciences II 12-4
BMS 525Vaccines and Vaccine Preventable Diseases 13
BMS 556Seminar in Health Care Disparities1
BMS 595Transplantation Immunology 13
HSC 220Health Care Essentials: Structure, Policy and Professionalism3
HSC 225Writing in the Health Professions3
HSC 262Nutrition in Health and Illness3
HSC 270Pillars of Public Health: Saving the World on a Population Level3
HSC 315Bioethical Issues in the 21st Century3
HSC 498Independent Study in Health Sciences 11-4

With permission. Students who complete an independent study course for 2 credits must also complete a 4-credit science elective course in order to have at least 6 credits of science electives.

Acceptable UC Social Sciences (Disciplinary Inquiry/Personal Inquiry 1)

PS 101Introduction to Psychology3
PS 210Human Sexuality3
PS 232The Concept of Personality and Its Development3
PS 244Psychology of Prejudice3
PS 261Social Psychology3
PS 262Psychology of Women and Gender3
PS 272Psychopathology3
PS 284LGBTQ Identities and Communities3
SO 101Introduction to Sociology3
SO 280Sociology of Health and Illness3

Acceptable UC Elective (Personal Inquiry 2)

BMS 200Biomedical Basis and Experience of Human Aging3

Program Requirements

Formal evaluation of the pre-physician assistant student by the Academic Progression and Retention Committee takes place at the end of the spring semester of the first year. To continue in the program, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20 and a minimum cumulative science GPA of 3.20. Following the initial evaluation, students are evaluated after completion of each semester. Failure to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20 and a minimum cumulative science GPA of 3.20 results in dismissal from the program. In addition, a 3.20 minimum GPA (both cumulative and science) is required for participation in preclinical affiliations. All required courses must be completed with a course grade of C- or better.

By February 1 of the fourth year, students are required to have accumulated at least 1,000 hours of documented direct patient contact through paid and/or volunteer experiences (e.g., certified nurse’s aide, medical assistant, phlebotomy technician, emergency room technician, EMT), 12 hours of Interprofessional Education and 40 hours of Community Service. While patient contact hours must be preapproved by program faculty, students are responsible for making their own arrangements to obtain these direct patient contact hours. In addition, all students are required to obtain student membership in the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA).

Requirements for Progression to the MHS Physician Assistant Program

For a student in the Entry-Level Master’s Physician Assistant (ELMPA) program to progress to the MHS Physician Assistant program at Quinnipiac University, the student must successfully complete all requirements to obtain a BS degree in Health Science Studies, including all prerequisite courses for the PA program admission, the CASPER test and a formative interview. Students progressing to the professional phase of the program may not have any course failures or grades of incomplete, and no outstanding academic integrity or professionalism issues at the time of progression. In addition, students must meet the established requirements for direct patient contact hours, EMT certification, Interprofessional Education, Community Service and Leadership hours. Prior to beginning the Physician Assistant program, students meet with a faculty member from the Department of Physician Assistant Studies for a final academic review. The student must meet all academic, curricular, professional, health and immunization, background check and technical standards requirements of the PA program to matriculate into the program.

For information on the professional component of the Entry-Level Master’s Physician Assistant program, please see the Graduate Studies section.

PY 104. Physician Assistant Seminar I - Orientation to the Profession.1 Credit.

This course is for ELMPA majors only. Students gain a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of the physician assistant profession and are introduced to the competencies of the PA profession. PA education, role expectations and practice settings are examined. In addition, historical information on the profession is presented. Students must have active AAPA student membership.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 204. Physician Assistant Seminar II - The Interdisciplinary Team.1 Credit.

In this seminar course, students explore the roles of those professionals who are part of the health care team and learn how team practice affects patient care. Experts from a variety of health care fields explore the relationship of the practicing PA in each professional domain.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104, PY 397.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 388. Clinical Training I.3 Credits.

This course is for ELMPA majors only. It includes classroom and clinical experiences and provides students with an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required for Emergency Medical Technician National Certification. Emphasis is placed on patient assessment, clinical signs and symptoms, pathophysiology and the practical skills necessary to manage the pre-hospital care of patients. Clinical rotations with an ambulance service are required. At the discretion of the course instructor, students may be required to meet for additional practical sessions outside of class time. Successful completion of the PY 388-389 sequence and fulfillment of state-mandated hours of instruction are required to be eligible for certification.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104.
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 388L. Clinical Training I Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 388. (3 lab hrs.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 389. Clinical Training II.3 Credits.

This course is a continuation of PY 388 and is for ELMPA majors only.

Prerequisites: Take PY 388.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 389L. Clinical Training II Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 389. (3 lab hrs.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 397. Pre-Health Professions Clinical Affiliation.3 Credits.

The pre-clinical experience pairs an undergraduate student who displays maturity, dedication and sensitivity with a physician assistant for a 12-week period. The affiliation is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to observe PA practice and the competencies of the PA profession in a clinical setting. Students may register for the course according to the following criteria: permission of faculty; completion of a minimum of three semesters at Quinnipiac; satisfactory GPA; compliance with pre-clinical health and uniform requirements.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 401. Introduction to Clinical Problem Solving.3 Credits.

This course offers the pre-physician assistant student the tools necessary for developing a systematic approach to the patient and his or her medical condition. Students learn to access and evaluate the medical literature for identification of the signs and symptoms of disease presentation, the components of a history and physical, and the understanding of a differential diagnosis. In addition, students are taught the basis for developing a patient assessment plan. Students may not receive credit for both PY 401 and HSC 401.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104, PY 397.
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 411. Introduction to PA Skills.1 Credit.

This one credit course explores introductory skills for the Physician Assistant student through lecture, group projects, simulation and hands-on experience.

Prerequisites: Take PY 401
Offered: Every year, Spring