
Recognized student organizations may choose to refuse advertising that can be considered libelous, defamatory, obscene, in poor taste, is demonstrably false or otherwise conflicts with the values of the Quinnipiac University community. Advertising promoting the use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products; off-campus housing; non-Quinnipiac degree programs; or violations of laws or university policies is prohibited. The Department of Campus Life, in collaboration with the Dean of Students office, reserves the right to prohibit any individual or category of advertising in any recognized student organization’s media materials at its discretion.  

All recognized student groups and organizations are responsible for ensuring the appropriate permissions are received prior to using any imagery, audio and/or video content in terms of copyright, licensing and other relevant regulations. Students and organizations who fail to gain the appropriate prior permissions for the use of copyrighted or otherwise licensable/protected content may be held responsible both personally and organizationally through the university community standards process, as well as relevant external processes. 

Student Privacy Rights 

Consistent with the university’s obligation to protect students’ privacy rights, recognized student organizations shall not publish or broadcast any stories involving student disciplinary matters, either academic or non-academic, until the matter is fully adjudicated by the university, information is released by the university, or information is made publicly available by law enforcement.