The physician assistant profession has grown to meet the healthcare needs of our communities and nation. The Department of Physician Assistant Studies at Quinnipiac University educates qualified individuals to be highly skilled licensed healthcare providers who practice team-based medicine in collaboration with physicians. The department offers a dual-degree program, which consists of an undergraduate pre-PA program known as the Entry-Level Master’s Physician Assistant (ELMPA) program and the graduate Master of Health Science (MHS) Physician Assistant program.

The ELMPA program provides students who are serious about entering the physician assistant profession with a well-rounded education and a strong focus in biological and health science studies. This very structured and organized undergraduate program not only prepares students for the rigors of the professional component of the program, but also introduces students to the role and responsibilities of physician assistants as well as the six competencies for the physician assistant profession. Upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the ELMPA program, students receive a Bachelor of Science in Health Science Studies and directly matriculate into reserved seats in the MHS program.

The graduate MHS Physician Assistant program is a 27-month intensive educational experience that prepares students with the core competencies to be a caring, compassionate, competent and highly skilled healthcare provider. The program consists of a total of 15 months didactic and 12 months clinical education. Students are required to meet core professional competencies, standards of professionalism and mission-driven program requirements prior to graduation from the program. Each graduate cohort is composed of students entering from the ELMPA program as well as external candidates who apply for admission through the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA). 

Physician Assistant (PY)

PY 104. Physician Assistant Seminar I - Orientation to the Profession.1 Credit.

This course is for ELMPA majors only. Students gain a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of the physician assistant profession and are introduced to the competencies of the PA profession. PA education, role expectations and practice settings are examined. In addition, historical information on the profession is presented. Students must have active AAPA student membership.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 204. Physician Assistant Seminar II - The Interdisciplinary Team.1 Credit.

In this seminar course, students explore the roles of those professionals who are part of the health care team and learn how team practice affects patient care. Experts from a variety of health care fields explore the relationship of the practicing PA in each professional domain.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104, PY 397.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 388. Clinical Training I.3 Credits.

This course is for ELMPA majors only. It includes classroom and clinical experiences and provides students with an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required for Emergency Medical Technician National Certification. Emphasis is placed on patient assessment, clinical signs and symptoms, pathophysiology and the practical skills necessary to manage the pre-hospital care of patients. Clinical rotations with an ambulance service are required. At the discretion of the course instructor, students may be required to meet for additional practical sessions outside of class time. Successful completion of the PY 388-389 sequence and fulfillment of state-mandated hours of instruction are required to be eligible for certification.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104.
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 388L. Clinical Training I Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 388. (3 lab hrs.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 389. Clinical Training II.3 Credits.

This course is a continuation of PY 388 and is for ELMPA majors only.

Prerequisites: Take PY 388.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 389L. Clinical Training II Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 389. (3 lab hrs.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 397. Pre-Health Professions Clinical Affiliation.3 Credits.

The pre-clinical experience pairs an undergraduate student who displays maturity, dedication and sensitivity with a physician assistant for a 12-week period. The affiliation is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to observe PA practice and the competencies of the PA profession in a clinical setting. Students may register for the course according to the following criteria: permission of faculty; completion of a minimum of three semesters at Quinnipiac; satisfactory GPA; compliance with pre-clinical health and uniform requirements.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 401. Introduction to Clinical Problem Solving.3 Credits.

This course offers the pre-physician assistant student the tools necessary for developing a systematic approach to the patient and his or her medical condition. Students learn to access and evaluate the medical literature for identification of the signs and symptoms of disease presentation, the components of a history and physical, and the understanding of a differential diagnosis. In addition, students are taught the basis for developing a patient assessment plan. Students may not receive credit for both PY 401 and HSC 401.

Prerequisites: Take PY 104, PY 397.
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 411. Introduction to PA Skills.1 Credit.

This one credit course explores introductory skills for the Physician Assistant student through lecture, group projects, simulation and hands-on experience.

Prerequisites: Take PY 401
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 503. Principles of Interviewing.3 Credits.

This course explores the various methods of conducting a comprehensive and efficient patient interview while focusing on the importance of establishing and building a patient/provider relationship based on trust and empathy. Emphasis is also placed on the importance of obtaining an accurate medical history, while creating an inclusive and compassionate environment during the patient encounter, as well as learning how to compose a comprehensive written medical note and present a concise oral report

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 504. History, Roles and Responsibilities of the PA.1 Credit.

This course explores through lecture and discussion the factors affecting the development of the profession and role socialization with emphasis on standards of quality assurance, credentialing of continued competence, policies and regulations governing clinical responsibilities and dynamics of membership on a health care team.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 505. Clinical Pharmacology I.2 Credits.

This distance education course covers the classification, mechanism of action, toxicity and clinical use of therapeutics agents. Side effects, indications, dose response and management of therapeutics are emphasized.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 506. Principles of Medicine.6 Credits.

This course explores the fundamentals of disease in an organ systems-based approach, with an emphasis placed on the etiology, anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnostic methodology and treatment of major and minor medical conditions.

Corequisites: Take PY 520L
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 506L. Clinical Correlation Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 506. (1 lab hr.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 507. Principles of Electrocardiography.1 Credit.

This course offers a directed approach to understanding the principles of electrocardiography and its applications to clinical practice. Throughout this course, general principles of the etiologies of abnormal EKG patterns, the differential diagnosis and clinical management are discussed to correlate the EKG with clinical situations.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 507L. EKG Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 507. (1 lab hr.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 508. Diagnostic Methods I.2 Credits.

Clinical laboratory medicine is examined with emphasis on indications for tests, normal values, interpretation of results and correlation with clinical conditions. Laboratory sessions provide students with practical experience performing basic laboratory tests.

Corequisites: Take PY 508L.
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 508L. Diagnostic Methods Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 508. (2 lab hrs.)

Corequisites: Take PY 508.
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 509. Principles of Obstetrics and Gynecology.3 Credits.

This course gives the student an overview of commonly encountered obstetric and gynecologic disorders. Anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system are examined, including the changes in pregnancy, prenatal care, medical and surgical complications of pregnancy, pre- and postpartum care. Common gynecologic conditions, methods and effectiveness of contraception, cancer detection methods and the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections in the female are explored.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 510. Principles of Pediatrics.3 Credits.

This course introduces and emphasizes aspects of general pediatrics, addressing issues unique to childhood and adolescence by focusing on human developmental biology, and by emphasizing the impact of family, community, and society on child health and well-being. Additionally, it focuses on the impact of disease and its treatment on the developing human, and emphasizes growth and development, principles of health supervision, and recognition of common health problems.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 511. Principles of Surgery and Emergency Medicine.4 Credits.

The fundamentals of surgical disease are explored with discussions on the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and appropriate management of major and minor surgical conditions and care of the acutely injured and critically ill patient. Topics are discussed with emphasis on clinical presentation and pre- and post-operative management. The course introduces the principles of life support technique and the initial management of acute medical and traumatic conditions. Laboratory sessions are used to familiarize the student with aseptic technique and basic surgical procedures such as airway control, various catheter placements, surgical bleeding control and wound management.

Corequisites: Take PY 511L.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 511L. Clinical Skill Lab.0 Credits.

This course explores the fundamentals of surgery and emergency medicine with a focus on several surgical subspecialties, peri-operative patient management, and acute patient care from an organ systems-based approach. Laboratory sessions align with lecture topics to reinforce surgical and emergency medicine clinical skills including aseptic technique, airway management, injections, catheter placements, orthopedic examination, immobilization techniques, and wound management.

Corequisites: Take PY 511.
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 512. Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare.2 Credits.

This course explores how social determinants of health, cultural belief systems, and social values influence health, illness, and the delivery of healthcare. Students examine societal and individual preconceptions and biases that enter clinical interaction and the provision of culturally competent care. Human sexuality and factors contributing to sexual expression and societal values that shape perception and expression are explored. Lab sessions help students develop confidence in approaching patients through preclinical clerkships. Students practice skills in history taking, physical exam, oral presentations, and medical documentation.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 512L. Psychosocial Issues Lab.0 Credits.

Lab to accompany PY 512. (2 lab hrs.)

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 513. Behavioral Medicine.3 Credits.

This course gives students an overview of basic psychiatry and behavioral medicine that will be encountered by PAs. Topics include diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, common child and adolescent disorders, somatoform and factitious disorders, psychotic disorders, sleep disorders, adjustment and personality disorders, and drug and alcohol abuse and addresses legal issues in behavioral health. Students will learn to understand the relationship between physical health issues, psychological issues, and well-being.

Prerequisites: None

PY 514. Diagnostic Methods II.1 Credit.

In this lecture/workshop course, radiographic images are presented for interpretation and discussion. The rational for ordering various types of imaging studies are discussed and basic strategies for radiographic interpretation are discussed. Basic principles of x-ray production and radiation safety procedures are presented as well.

Prerequisites: None

PY 516. Clinical Pharmacology II.2 Credits.

This continuation of Clinical Pharmacology I emphasizes commonly prescribed therapeutic agents.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 518. Physical Diagnosis.3 Credits.

This 3-credit lecture course discusses the appropriate tools and techniques utilized when performing a complete physical examination. Students will develop an understanding of the pathophysiology behind the patient presentation and will synthesize the patient's history and physical exam findings for an accurate evaluation of the patient and will work to organize and report the objective findings in both written and oral formats.

Prerequisites: Take PY 503
Corequisites: Take PY 518L
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 518L. Physical Diagnosis Lab.1 Credit.

This laboratory course demonstrates the techniques used in performing a complete and problem-focused physical examination as well as reporting findings in both written and oral format. The lab allows the student to gain experience and develop confidence in approaching the physical exam prior to entering the clinical year by utilizing practical, hands-on experience with other students and patients as well as practice writing patient SOAP notes and giving oral reports.

Prerequisites: Take PY 503
Corequisites: Take PY 518
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 520L. Clinical Decision Making.1 Credit.

The purpose of this course is to reinforce materials taught in Principles of Internal Medicine and to provide clinical correlations by working through a case scenario, in either a simulation or seminar setting. Students develop critical thinking skills by working through a history, physical exam, laboratory tests and diagnostic studies, and developing a differential diagnosis for each case, which leads to a diagnosis so that the student can formulate a treatment plan.

Prerequisites: Take PY 550, PY 519, PY 519L.
Corequisites: Take PY 506.
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 521. Human Anatomy.3 Credits.

This lecture experience is meant to provide an environment for learning gross morphology of the human body including structural relationships, anatomical variations and clinical application. Approach to the material is both regional and systemic. Content includes the basic concepts of embryology, the comparison of normal and abnormal structural relationships and demonstration of how these things relate to health and disease. To meet the instructional goals and objectives, students attend lectures and review online reusable learning modules while making connections to concepts encountered in PY 521L.

Corequisites: Take PY 521L.
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 521L. Human Anatomy Lab.2 Credits.

This laboratory experience is meant provide an environment for learning gross morphology of the human body including structural relationships, anatomical variations and clinical application. Approach to the material will be both regional and systemic. To meet the instructional goals and objectives, students will complete cadaveric dissection as well as on-line learning modules.

Corequisites: Matriculation into the physician assistant radiology assistant program
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 522. PA Success Skills.1 Credit.

This course is intended to provide the newly matriculated graduate PA student with resources and tools to successfully navigate PA school with exposure to different teaching and learning styles. The synchronous component includes discussions and group work, and the asynchronous component includes an on-demand digital library created in collaboration with the Learning Commons which features professional videos supporting academic and life skill strategies pertaining to PA training, in a format that encourages proactive, self-guided study.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 526. Principles of Epidemiology.3 Credits.

This graduate-level course in epidemiology directs itself toward application of epidemiological principles. The course involves analysis of prospective and retrospective studies, cross-sectional studies and experimental epidemiology. Both communicable and chronic disease case studies are used, as well as case studies of occupationally induced diseases.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 548. Ethics in Healthcare Delivery 1.2 Credits.

This course provides an overview of medical ethics, including ethical theories which lay the foundation for learning how to reason clearly, objectively, and effectively when addressing specific ethical issues in medicine and healthcare. This course aims to prepare students to identify ethical issues they may encounter during the clinical year and in clinical practice and provides a methodology for ethical decision making when faced with these issues, through the use of clinical case studies.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 550. Physiology and Pathophysiology for PA.5 Credits.

This five-credit lecture course will provide the physician assistant graduate student with an overview of human physiology with emphasis on the body's functional systems and will introduce basic pathophysiological explanations of human diseases.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 553. Transition to the Clinical Year.1 Credit.

This one-credit course will provide the physician assistant graduate student with expansion of applied technical skills, didactic review, and clinical correlation of challenging concepts in clinical medicine.

Corequisites: Matriculation into the graduate physician assistant program
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 572. Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.3 Credits.

This course provides a detailed study of microorganisms and the diseases they cause in humans. It includes consideration of infectious disease microorganisms including their biochemical, serological and virulence characteristics, and clinical manifestations. An organ system approach is used to examine the fundamentals of pathogenicity, host response, epidemiological aspects of infectious disease, as well as patient presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of infections.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 608. Graduate Seminar.3 Credits.

This seminar prepares students for the specific requirements of entering professional practice. Faculty active in the profession cover such issues as malpractice coverage, licensure regulation, risk management and legal issues, and aspects of the financing of health care. Lab sessions are designed as small group seminars. Through guided discussion in these small seminar settings, students explore the current literature and thinking on the competencies for the physician assistant profession.

Corequisites: Take PY 608L.
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 608L. Graduate Seminar Lab.0 Credits.

This seminar prepares students for the specific requirements of entering professional practice. The course covers topics such as malpractice coverage, licensure regulation, certification, risk management and legal issues, and aspects of financing of health care. Lab sessions are designed as small group seminars. Through guided discussion in these small seminar settings, students explore the current literature and thinking on the professionalism competencies for the physician assistant profession. Lab to accompany PY 608. (1.5 lab hrs.)

Corequisites: Take PY 608.
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 611. Clinical Residency I.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 612. Clinical Residency II.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 613. Clinical Residency III.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 614. Clinical Residency IV.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 615. Clinical Residency V.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 616. Clinical Residency VI.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PY 617. Clinical Residency VII.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 618. Clinical Residency VIII.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 619. Clinical Residency IX.3 Credits.

Upon successful completion of the didactic phase, students undertake an intensive course of study requiring the application of skills and concepts acquired during previous course work. Students rotate through seven six-week core clinical disciplines and two four-week electives at varying sites and settings. Core rotations include primary care (3-weeks family medicine and 3-weeks outpatient internal medicine), inpatient internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Electives include a variety of medical, surgical, and pediatric subspecialties.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PY 648. Ethics in Health Care Delivery II.1 Credit.

This 1-credit course occurs in the third summer after the student completes their clinical rotations. The course is a continuation of the PY 548 Ethics in Health Care I. The purpose of the course is to reinforce a framework of ethical decision-making which enables the student to reason clearly and effectively about the ethics involved in medical science and technology and reflect on ethical issues encountered during the clinical year. Student experiences encountered during their clinical year are used to exemplify the theoretical course material.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 652. Medical Writing & Biostatistics for PA.3 Credits.

This course introduces biostatistics, evidence-based medicine, as well as critical review and application of evidence to clinical decision-making. Students learn to construct clinical questions and perform literature searches. Methods for critically appraising the literature and strategies for maintaining currency of medical knowledge through journal clubs are practiced. Review of basic techniques of medical writing and presentation allow students to develop presentations, posters, and journal articles while incorporating peer review feedback.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

PY 676. Comprehensive Examination.2 Credits.

This comprehensive examination is a capstone of the physician assistant program. Its purpose is to ascertain if the student has both the broad and specific knowledge expected of someone holding a master's degree and is able to integrate knowledge obtained from individual courses into unified concepts for patient care. Evaluations include a professionalism evaluation, a written examination and an Objective Score of Clinical Evaluation (OSCE).

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer